Английский язык для студентов радиотехнических специальностей вузов. Английский язык для ит-специальностей

Предлагаемое учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2-4 курса специальности и разработано в соответствии с требованиями федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и учебной программы курса английского языка.

Цель настоящего пособия – обучение иностранному языку в ходе взаимосвязанного развития умений в основных видах речевой деятельности, совершенствование речевых навыков и умений в использовании лексического материала. Пособие поможет студентам организовать свою работу по домашнему чтению, усвоить лексические единицы специальных технических текстов, параллельно ознакомит с оригинальными текстами, взятыми из английских и американских журналов и газет.

заключается в том, чтобы помочь студентам овладеть компьютерной терминологией, а также усовершенствовать свои навыки английского языка.

Пособие содержит тексты, которые описывают все основные разделы вычислительной техники и снабжены послетекстовыми упражнениями, готовящими студентов к пересказу и самостоятельным высказываниям.

Данное издание можно использовать как для самостоятельного изучения английского языка, так и как дополнительное учебное пособие во время занятий.


Предварительный просмотр:

Министерство образования и науки Хабаровского края

Краевое государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Комсомольский-на-Амуре авиационно-технический техникум»



Специальность 09.02.01 Компьютерные системы и комплексы

Форма обучения (очная)

Курс 2 , 3 , 4 семестр 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, 8

Практические занятия 168 часов

Самостоятельная работа 84 часа

Зачет 8 семестр

Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования, утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации от «06» ноября 2009 г. № 247

Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК общеобразовательных дисциплин

Протокол № ___ от «___» ___________ 2016 г.

Председатель ПЦК ___________ Н.К. Тургенева

(подпись) (ФИО)

Составитель преподаватель английского языка ___________ Т.Е. Марфина

(должность) (подпись) (ФИО)



Предлагаемое учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2-4 курса специальности 09.02.01 Компьютерные системы и комплексы и разработано в соответствии с требованиями федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и учебной программы курса английского языка.

Цель настоящего пособия – обучение иностранному языку в ходе взаимосвязанного развития умений в основных видах речевой деятельности, совершенствование речевых навыков и умений в использовании лексического материала. Пособие поможет студентам организовать свою работу по домашнему чтению, усвоить лексические единицы специальных технических текстов, параллельно ознакомит с оригинальными текстами, взятыми из английских и американских журналов и газет.

Основная задача представленного пособия заключается в том, чтобы помочь студентам овладеть компьютерной терминологией, а также усовершенствовать свои навыки английского языка.

Пособие содержит тексты, которые описывают все основные разделы вычислительной техники и снабжены послетекстовыми упражнениями, готовящими студентов к пересказу и самостоятельным высказываниям.

Данное издание можно использовать как для самостоятельного изучения английского языка, так и как дополнительное учебное пособие во время занятий.


Аннотация 2

Unit 1 5

Unit 2 8

Unit 3 11

Unit 4 14

Unit 5 16

Unit 6 21

Unit 7 25

Unit 8 28

Unit 9 30

Unit 10 33

Список использованных источников 37


to calculate ten-toothed gear wheels a chip

an abacus to aim guns rectangular

a bead frame responsible a layer

to devise to figure out attached

a slide rule a generation to encapsulate

to reduce a predecessor dependable

History of Computers

Let us take a look at the history of the computers that we know today. The very first calculating device used was the ten fingers of a man’s hands. This, in fact, is why today we count in tens and multiply of tens. Then the abacus was invented, a bead frame in which the beads are moved from left to right. People went on using some form of abacus well into the 16 th century, it is being used in some parts of the world because it can be understood without knowing how to read.

During the 17th and 18th centuries many people tried to find easy ways of calculating. J. Napier, a Scotsman, devised a mechanical way of multiplying and dividing, which is how the modern slide rule works. Henry Briggs used Napier’s ideas to produce logarithm which all mathematicians used today.

Calculus, another branch of mathematics, was independently invented by both Sir Isaac Newton, an Englishman, and Leibnitz, a German mathematician. The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820 as the result of several people’s experiments. This type of machine, which saves a great deal of time and reduces the possibility of making mistakes, depends on a ten-toothed gear wheels.

In 1830 Charles Babbage, an Englishman, designed a machine that was called ‘The Analytical Engine’. This machine, which Babbage showed at the Paris Exhibition in 1855, was an attempt to cut out the human being altogether, expert for providing the machine with the necessary facts the problem to be sowed. He never finished this work, but many of his ideas were the basis for building today’s computers.

In 1930, the first analog computer was built by American named Vannevar Bush. The device was used in World War II to help aim guns. Mark I, the name given to the first digital computer, was completed in 1944. The men responsible for this invention were Professor Howard Aiken and some people from IBM. This was the first machine that could figure out long of mathematical problems all at a very fast speed.

In 1946 two engineers at the University of Pennsylvania, J. Eckert and J. Mayshly, built the first digital computer using parts called vacuum tubes. They named their new invention UNIAC. The first generation of computers, which used vacuum tubes, came out in 1950. UNIAC I was an example of these computers which could perform thousand of calculations per second.

In 1960, the second generation of computers was developed and could perform work ten times faster than their predecessors. The reason for this extra speed was the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes. Second generation computers were smaller, faster and more dependable than first generation computers.

The third-generation computers appeared on the market in 1965. These computers could do a million calculations a second, which is 1000 times faster than the first generation computers. Unlike second-generation computers, these are controlled by tiny integrated circuits and are consequently smaller and more dependable.

Fourth-generation computers have now arrived, and the integrated circuits that are being developed have been greatly reduced in size. This is due to microminiturization, which means that the circuits are much smaller than before; as many as 1000 tiny circuits now fit onto a single chip. A chip is a square or rectangular piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to ¼ inch, upon which several layers of an integrated circuit are attached or imprinted, after which the circuit is encapsulated in plastic metal. Fourth generation computers are 50 times faster than third-generation computers and can complete approximately 1.000.000 instructions per second.

III. Translate from English into Russian:

1. the very first calculating device 7. first digital computer

2. to count in tens 8. to figure out

3. to multiply of tens 9. ten times faster

4. without knowing 10. extra speed

5. to be independently invented 11. tiny integrated circuits

6. to save a great deal of time 12. keeping instruction

IV. Translate from Russian into English:

1. знать сегодня 7. попытка

2. 10 пальцев руки человека 8. аналоговый компьютер

3. кости на счетах двигают слева на право 9. скорость

4. продолжать использовать 10. вакуумные лампы (трубки)

5. счеты 11. транзистор

6. настоящая счетно- 12. интегрированные схемы

вычислительная машина

V. Fill in each blank with a word chosen from the list below to complete the meaning of the sentence:

chip, speed, figure out, calculating, reduces, microminiturization,

analog, logarithm, abacus, machine, vacuum tubes,

tiny, dependable, devised

1. The very first ..... device used was 10 fingers of a man’s hand.

2. Then, the ..... was invented.

3. J. Napier ..... a mechanical way of multiplying and dividing.

4. Henry Briggs used J.Napier’s ideas to produce ..... .

5. The first real calculating ..... appeared in 1820.

6. This type of machine ..... the possibility of making mistakes.

7. In 1930 the first ..... computer was built.

8. This was the first machine that could ..... ..... mathematical problems at a very fast speed.

9. In 1946 was built the first digital computer using parts called .... .

10. The reason for this extra ..... was the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes.

11. The second generation computers were smaller, faster and more ..... than first-generation computers.

12. The third-generation computers are controlled by ..... integrated circuits.

13. This is due to ....., which means that the circuits are much smaller than before.

14. A ..... is a square or rectangular piece of silicon, usually from 1/10 to 1/4 inch.

VI. Fill in the preposition:

1. Let us take a look ..... the history of computers.

2. That is why we count ..... tens and multiply ..... tens.

3. The beads are moved ..... left ..... right.

4. Abacus is still being used ..... some parts ..... the world.

5. Calculus was independently invented ..... both Sir Isaac Newton and Leibnitz.

6. This type of machine depends ..... a ten-toothed gear wheels.

7. «The Analytical Engine» was shown ..... the Paris Exhibition ..... 1855.

8. The men responsible ..... this invention were Professor Howard Aiken and some people ..... IBM.

9. The first generation of computers came ..... in 1950.

10. Due to microminiturization 1000 tiny circuits fit ..... a single chip.

VII. Finish the following sentences:

1. The first generation of computers came out in ..... .

2. The second generation of computers could perform work ten times faster than their .... .

3. The third-generation computers appeared on the market in ..... .

4. The fourth-generation computers have been greatly ..... .

5. The fourth-generation computers are 50 times faster and can ..... .

VIII. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text:

simple, to carry out, up to date, quick, to try, small

IX. Find the antonyms to the following words in the text:

Like, short, to increase, sole, dependently

X. Arrange the items of the plan in a logical order according to the text:

1. J. Napier devised a mechanical way of multiplying and dividing.

2. The very first calculating device was the ten fingers of a man’s hands.

3. Babbage showed his analytical engine at Paris Exhibition.

4. The first real calculating machine appeared in 1820.

5. The first analog computer was used in World War II.

XI. Answer the questions on the text:

1. What was the very first calculating device?

2. What is abacus? When did people begin to use them?

3. When did a lot of people try to find easy ways of calculating?

4. Who used Napier’s ideas to produce logarithm?

5. What was invented by Sir Isaac Newton and Leibnitz?

6. What did Charles Babbage design?

7. When was the first analog computer built? How did people use it?

8. Who built the first digital computer?

9. How did the first generation of computers work?

10. What are the differences between the first and the second computer generations?

11. When did the third-generation computers appear?


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

to intricate capabilities a microcomputer

tiny addition a circuit

a core subtraction unfortunately

to manipulate division dull

to magnetize multiplication a routine

to perform exponentiation a judgement

to supply to feed instantaneously

II. Read the text and translate it without the help of the dictionary.

What is a Computer?

A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that operate switches or magnetize tiny metal cores. The switches, like the cores, are capable of being in one of two possible states, that is, on or off; magnetized.

The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters and characters.

The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the machine do what we want by inputting signals that turn certain switches on and turn others off, or that magnetize or do not magnetize the cores.

The basic job of computers is the processing of information. For this reason, computers can be defined as devices which accept information in the from of instructions called a program and characters called data performing mathematical and logical operations on the information, and then supply results of these operations.

The program or a part of it, which tells the computers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer in a place called memory.

Computers are thought to have many remarkable powers. Most computers, whether large or small have three basic capabilities.

First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetical operations, such as: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation. Second, computers have means of communicating with the user. If we couldn’t feed information in and get results back these machine wouldn’t be of much use.

However, certain computers (commonly minicomputers and microcomputers) are used to control directly things such as robots, aircraft navigation systems, medical instruments, etc. Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use terminals, diskettes, disks and magnetic tapes.

The computer’s input device (which might be a disk drive depending on the medium used in inputting information) reads the information into the computer. For outputting information, two common devices are used a printer which prints the new information on paper, or a cathode-raytube (CRT) display screen which shows the results on a TV-like a screen. Third, computers have circuits which can make decisions. The kinds of decisions which computer circuits can make are not of the type: ‘Who would win a war between two countries?’ or ‘Who is the richest person in the world?’ Unfortunately, the computer can only decide three things, namely:’ Is one number use more often than another? ‘Are two numbers equal?’ and, ‘Is one number greater than another?’

A computer can solve a series of problems and make hundreds even thousands of logical operations without becoming tired or bored. It can find the solution to a problem in a fraction that it takes a human being to do the job. A computer can replace people in dull routine, but it has no originality, it works according to the instructions given to it and cannot exercise value judgements.

There are times when a computer seems to operate like a mechanical «brain», but its achievement are limited by the minds of human beings. A computer cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do and gives the appropriate information, but because of electric pulses can move at the speed of light, a computer can carry out vast numbers of arithmetical-logical operations almost instantaneously.

A person can do the same, but in many cases that person would be deal long before the job was finished.

1. an intricate network 9. an input device

2. tiny metal cores 10. for outputting information

4. the processing of information 12. to replace

5. to define 13. appropriate

6. to provide 14. to carry out

7. to solve 15. vast

8. memory

1. переключатель, подобный 9. непосредственно управлять

металлическому сердечнику

2. буквы и знаки (символы) 10. схема

3. намагничивать металлический 11. механический мозг


4. обработка информации 12. ограниченный

5. выполнять металлические 13. до тех пор пока

и логические операции

6. данные 14. подходящий

7. замечательный 15. скорость света

8. средства связи с пользователем

1. A computer is a ..... with an intricate network of electronic circuits.

2. The machine is ..... of storing and manipulating numbers, letters and characters.

3. The basic job of a computer is the ..... of information.

4. Most computers have three basic ..... .

5. Computers have ..... for performing arithmetical operations.

6. Certain computers are used ..... directly things such as robots, medical instruments, etc.

7. For outputting information two common ..... are used.

8. A computer can ..... people in dull routine.

VI. Fill in the gaps the prepositions:

1. A computer is a device ..... an intricate network.

2. The switches are capable of being ..... one or two states.

3. We can make the machine do what we want ..... inputting signals.

4. Computers accept information ..... the form of instructions called a program.

5. Computers have circuits ..... performing operations.

6. Computers have means of communicating ..... the user.

7. Input device may be a disk drive depending ..... the medium used ..... inputting information.

8. Computers can solve a series of problems ..... becoming tired or bored.

VII. Match the names on the left with the definitions on the right:

1. video recorder a) a kind of sophisticated typewriter using a computer

2. photocopier b) a machine which records and plays back sound

3. fax machine c) a machine which records and plays back pictures

4. tape recorder d) a camera which records moving pictures and sound

5. modem e) a machine for chopping up, slicing, mashing, etc.

6. camcorder f) a machine which makes copies of documents

7. robot g) a machine which makes copies of documents and

sends them down telephone lines to another place

8. word-processor h) a machine which acts like a person

9. food-processor i) a piece of equipment allowing you to send information from one computer down telephone lines to another computer

VIII. Write descriptions like those in exercise VII, for the following objects:

TV set sewing-machine microwave disks

iron telephone printer mouse

alarm-clock ventilator keyboard CD-players

IX. Give the appropriate definitions of the following terms:

computer, data, memory, input, device, output

X. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text:

Work, difficult, to fulfill, fundamental, to end, equipment

complex, way, uninterested, an accomplishment

XI. Find the antonyms to the following words in the text:

output, smaller, interesting, poor, dark, alive, large, receiving, reject, unusual

XII. Arrange the items of the plan in a logical order according to the text:

1. A computer can solve a series of problems and make hundreds even thousands of logical operations.

2. The basic job of computers is the processing of information.

3. A computer is a machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits.

4. Computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations.

5. The machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters and characters.

6. Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use terminals.

7. For outputting information only two common devices are used.

XIII. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a computer?

2. What is it capable to do?

3. The basic job of a computer is the processing of information, isn’t it?

4. How do we call a program, which tells the computer what to do?

5. Computers have many remarkable powers, don’t they?

6. What can computer solve?

7. Can computers do anything without a person?

XIV. Give a short summary of the text.


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

to adjust to check in to maintain

advanced to enable a marvel

to amend to execute random

to assist to guide to rely on

to conjure an image a relative ease

to contribute huge to resemble

conversing launching a terminal

II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Computer Applications

Many people have or will have had some experience of ‘conversing’ with computers. They may have their own micro-computer, they may use a terminal from the main company at work or they may have a television set with a view data facility. Those who do not have this experience may observe the staff at, for example, an airline check-in or a local bank branch office sitting at their desks, pressing keys on a typewriter like a keyboard and reading information presented on a television type screen. In such a situation the check-in clerk or the branch cashier is using the computer to obtain information (e.g. to find out if a seat is booked) or to amend information (e.g. to change a customer’s name and address).

The word computer conjures up different images and thoughts in people’s mind depending upon their experiences. Some view computers as powerful, intelligent machines that can maintain a ‘big brother’ watch over everyone. Others are staggered and fascinated by the marvels achieved by the space programs of the superpowers, where computers play an important part.

Numerous factories use computers to control machines that make products. A computer turns the machines on and off and adjusts their operations when necessary. Without computers, it would be impossible for engineers to perform the enormous number of calculations needed to solve many advanced technological problems. Computers help in the building of spacecraft, and they assist flight engineers in launching, controlling and tracking the vehicles. Computers also are used to develop equipment for exploring the moon and planets. They enable architectural and civil engineers to design complicated bridges and other structures with relative ease.

Computers have been of tremendous help to researchers in the biological, physical and social sciences. Chemists and physicists rely on computers to control and check sensitive laboratory instruments and to analyze experimental data. Astronomers use computers to guide telescopes and to process photographic images of planets and other objects in space.

Computers can be used to compose music, write poems and produce drawings and paintings. A work generated by a computer may resemble that a certain artist in birth style and form, or it may appear abstract or random. Computers are also used in the study of the fine arts, particularly, literature. They have also been programmed to help scholars identify paintings and sculptures from ancient civilizations.

But computers do not have intelligence in the way humans do. They cannot think for themselves. What they are good at is carrying out arithmetical operations and making logical decisions at phenomenally fast speed. But they only do what humans program gives them to do.

Apart from the speed at which computers execute instruction, two developments in particular have contributed to the growth in the use of computers – efficient storage of large amounts of data and diminishing cost. Today, computers can store huge amount of information on magnetic media and any item of this information can be obtained in a few milliseconds and displayed or printed for the user.

III. Translate these into your own language:

1. some experience of conversing 8. advanced technological problem

2. view data facility 9. to guide telescopes

3. to obtain information 10. ancient civilization

4. powerful, intelligent machine 11. arithmetical operations

5. to be straggered and fascinated 12. logical decisions

6. to adjust operations 13. to execute instructions

7. enormous number of calculations 14. efficient storage

IV. Translate these into English:

1. использовать терминал главной компании

2. нажимать кнопки на клавиатуре

3. получить информацию

4. различные образы

5. компьютер включает и выключает машины

6. разработать оборудование для исследования Луны и других планет

7. чувствительное оборудование

8. анализировать экспериментальные данные

9. могут быть использованы для сочинения музыки

10. работа, управляемая компьютером

11. помочь ученым определить

12. не могут думать сами

13. хорошо справляться с выполнением

14. вносить вклад

V. Give the situation from the text in which the following words and expressions are used:

1. people have some experience 6. to process photographic images of

2. different images 7. to resemble

3. it would be impossible 8. intelligence

4. spacecraft 9. fast speed

5. enable to design 10. magnetic media

VI. Fill in the gaps necessary prepositions:

1. People may use a terminal ..... the main company ..... work.

2. A clerk can press keys ..... a typewriter.

3. The word computer conjures ..... a different images.

4. A computer turns the machine ..... and ..... .

5. Computers help ..... building of spacecraft.

6. They are used to develop equipment ..... exploring the moon and planets.

7. Chemists and physicists rely ..... computers to control sensitive instruments.

8. Computers don’t have intelligence ..... the way humans do.

9. Computers are good ..... arithmetical operations.

10. Computers can store huge amounts of information ..... magnetic media.

VII. Ask questions to which the following statements might be the answers:

1. People may use a terminal from the main company at work.

2. In such a situation the check-in clerk is using the computer to obtain information.

3. The word computer conjures up different images and thoughts in people’s mind.

4. Numerous factories use computers to control machines that make products.

5. A computer turns the machine on and off and adjust their operations.

6. Computers help in the building of spacecraft and assist flight engineers in launching.

7. Chemist and physicists rely on computers.

8. A work generated by a computer may resemble that a certain artist in a birth style and form.

9. Computers do only what humans program them to do.

10. Computers obtain huge amounts of information in a few milliseconds.

VIII. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Only a few people have or will have had some experience of «conversing» with computers.

2. The word computer conjures up the same images and thoughts in computer’s brain depending upon the structure of the computer.

3. Without computers it would be impossible for engineers to perform the enormous number of calculations.

4. Architectors and civil engineers can’t design complicated bridges and other structures with the help of computers.

5. Computers haven’t been of tremendous help to researchers in the biological, physical and social sciences.

6. Poets and physicists rely on computers to control and check sensitive laboratory equipments.

7. Computers can be used to compose music, write poems and produce drawings and paintings.

8. Computers have intelligence in the way humans do.

9. Today, computers are very big, slow and can store little information on magnetic media.

IX. Write the plan of the text to retell it in English.

X. Points for discussion: advantages and disadvantages of computers.


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

circular octal contiguous comparing

to assume a value cell selecting

decimal a location adequate sorting

to handle uniquely precise matching

II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it:

Information, machine words, instructions, addresses

and reasonable operations

Information is a set of marks or sings that have meaning. These consist of letters or numbers, digits or characters, typewriter signs, other kinds of sing and so on. So, information is the end product of people obtained from computer systems. The process of using computer is circular beginning and ending with people.

When we see number 562 we normally assume that it represents five hundred and sixty-two. This is because we are conditioned to the decimal system where the base is 10. Nowadays school children are taught to handle numbers with different bases such as octal (8) and binary (2). With the number 562 we understand this to mean that we have 5 hundreds, 6 tens and 2 units (5 · 100 + 6 · 10 + 2 · 1) so each digit has a meaning represented by its value and its position.

Computers work by using the binary system where the base is 2. This means that each position can have a value of 0 or 1. So any information may be represented by the binary system including these two digits. Because at their most basic level, computers only understand the language of electricity: positive (or on or 1) and negative (or off or 0). Instead of going up in powers of ten (10,10 x 10,10 x 10 x 10) the positions go up in powers of 2 (2,2 x 2,2 x 2 x 2,2 x 2 x 2, etc.)

Thus the binary number 1001 can be represented as:

2 x 2 x 2s position 2 x 2s position 2s position units position

1 0 0 1

Thus number can be converted to decimal

2 x 2 x 2 x 1 = 8 x 1 = 8

2 x 2 x 0 = 4 x 0 = 0

2 x 0 = 0

1 = 1

The memory of a computer consists of a large number of locations, each of which in uniquely addressable. In most modern computers these locations are called bytes. They consists of eight positions and each position can be set to 0 or 1. These positions are bits. A bit is the smallest part of information and it is the basic unit of data recognized by the computer. Bits are grouped in units that are called bytes. A byte consists of eight bits.

A group of contiguous bytes that can be manipulated together is called a word. A word may be 2 bytes (16 bits) or 4 bytes (32 bits) or other combinations. 16 bits can hold number up to 65,535. Word length is the term used to describe a word’s size in numbers of bits.

The memory of the computer can hold instructions that the control unit acts upon, and it can store binary numbers on which arithmetical operations can be carried out. A large number of business operations, and computer-based training in particular, do very little with numbers. They are mostly concerned with accepting as input, manipulating and presenting as output, large quantities of character information-names and addresses.

An address is the name of particular memory location or cell. Each memory location (word or byte) has it own unique address or number just a post office box. If one character is stored in a byte, there are 256 possible characters that the different bit patterns can represent. That is quite adequate for all alphabetic characters in upper and lower case, the number 0 to 9 and the various punctuation and special characters that are found on a typewriter keyboard. One widely used Coding convention is ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), pronounced as the two words «ass» and «key».

This is a part of the ASCII Code

Сharacter % E+ ‘ () * + , - . /

ASCII Code 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47

Сharacter 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ASCII Code 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57

Character A B C D E F G H I J

ASCII Code 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Thus, if we wanted to hold FRANKLIN in part of the correct answer it could be held somewhere in memory (say location 5390 onwards) as the following ASCII codes:

Letter F R A N K L I N

Code in memory 70 82 65 78 75 76 73 78

Memory location 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397

Computer people generally refer to 1000 (1024 to be precise) byte as a kilobyte (kb) and a million bytes as a megabyte (mb). So, if somebody has a microcomputer with 640 k memory locations than means there are 640,000 locations in the machine.

Reasonable operations are mathematical and logical. Mathematical operations include arithmetical and algebraic operations. Arithmetical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, taking a square root, etc.; and algebraic operations are called raising to a power as well as differentiating and integrating.

Logical operations include comparing, selecting, sorting, matching, etc.

III. Translate these into your own language:

1. a set of marks and signs 7. bytes

2. circular beginning and ending with people 8. bits are grouped

3. we are conditioned to the decimal system 9. can be manipulated together

4. base 10. to hold instructions

5. including these two digits 11. memory location

6. the positions go up in powers of 2 12. to include

IV. Translate these into English:

1. множество знаков 7. десятичное число

2. число представляет 8. запоминать, хранить в памяти

3. учат работать с числами 9. выполнять

4. у каждого есть свое значение 10. точно

5. двоичная система исчисления 11. разумные операции

6. основной уровень

V. Fill in the necessary words:

1. ..... is a set of marks or signs.

2. We are conditioned to the ..... ..... .

3. Computers work by using the ..... ..... where the ..... is 2.

4. The ..... of a computer consists of a large number of locations.

5. A ..... is the smallest part of information.

6. A byte consists of 8 ..... .

7. The memory of the computer can ..... instructions.

8. Computer people generally ..... ..... 1 000 bytes as a kilobyte.

1. Nowadays school children are taught to handle numbers ..... different bases.

2. ..... their most basic level, computers only understand the language of electricity.

3. Instead of going ..... in powers of ten, the positions go ..... ..... powers of 2.

4. Each position can be set ..... 0 or 1.

5. Bits are grouped ..... units.

6. The memory can store binary numbers ..... which arithmetical operations can be carried ..... .

VII. Give the correct definitions of the following terms:

a) information c) bit e) word g) reasonable operation

b) binary system d) byte f) address

VIII. Answer the following questions:

1. What is information?

2. Do computers work by using binary or decimal system?

3. What is the base of the binary system?

4. How can any information be represented?

5. What is the ASC II Code?

IX. Write you last name in letters and codes in memory and in memory locations, use the ASC II Code.

X. Retell the text.


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

regardless to monitor to fit

to enter a hardware representative

a routing peripheral available

to direct a variety to purchase

a property an occurrence a competitor

to modify to afford incredibly

solely to confine to convince

II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Kinds of Computers

All computer systems, regardless of their size, have the same four hardware components:

1. A processor or CPU, where the data input is processed according to the program.

2. Input/output devices or peripherals such as the keyboard and printer, which receive data from people and enter it into the computer for processing, then send it back to people so it can be used.

3. Storage components such as disk drives or tape drives keep data for later use.

4. Routing and control components, which direct the instructions and/or data from one component to the next making sure each does its task properly.

Computers are generally classified as general-purpose or special purpose machine. A general-purpose computer is one used for a variety of tasks without the need to modify or change it as the tasks change. A common example is a computer used in business that runs many different application.

A special-purpose computer is designed and used solely for one application. The machine may need to be redesigned and certainly reprogrammed, if, it is to perform another task. Special-purpose computers can be used in a factory to monitor a manufacturing process; in research to monitor seismological, meteorological and other natural occurrences; and in the office.

So all computers have in common, but certain computers differ from one another. These differences often have to do with the way a particular computer is used. That is why we can say there are different types of computers that are suited for different kinds of work or problem solving.

Personal computer is a computer system that fits on a desktop, that an individual can afford to buy for personal use, and that is intended for a single use.

Personal computers include desktops, laptops and workstation. Each type of a personal computer shares many characteristics in common with its counterparts, but people use them in different ways.

The Desktop Personal computer is a computer that:

Fits on a desktop

Is designed for a single user

Is affordable for an individual to buy for personal use.

Desktop personal computers are used for education, running a small business, or in large corporation, to help office workers be more productive. There are some common desktop personal computers:

The IBM PC and PC-compatible

The Compaq Deskpro 386

The IBM PS/2

The Apple Macintosh

The Laptop Personal Computer is a computer that people can take with them, laptop is used by a single individual but can be used in many different places, it is not confined by its size or weight to a desktop. It has the same components as a desktop machine but in most cases the monitor is built in. The printer is usually separate.

Laptops fall into the same general categories as desktop personal computers:



Apple Macintosh portable

Managers and employees who travel frequently use laptops to keep in touch with their office. Sales representatives keep company information on their laptops to show prospective clients, and send electronic orders into the company computers. Writers use laptops so they can work on their manuscript no matter where they are.

There are many portables available today, some weigh as much as 15 pounds, while others weigh as little as 3 pounds. There are laptops so small they fit in the palm of your hand. There are laptops that fit in a briefcase, called notebook computers.

The Workstation is a computer that fits on a desktop, but is more powerful than a desktop computer. The workstation has a more powerful microprocessor, is able to service more than one user, has an easy to use interface and is capable of multitasking. While these three characteristics used to be unique to workstation, they are being adapted to the more powerful 386 and 486 personal computers over time.

Workstations are designed for three major tasks: scientific and engineering, office automation and education.

The Minicomputer, or mini, is a versatile special or general-purpose computer designed so that many people can use it at the same time. Minis operate in ordinary indoor environments; some require air conditioning while others do not. Minis also can operate in less hospitable places such as on ships and planes.

Like all computers, the minicomputer is designed as a system. CPUs, terminals, printers and storage devices can be purchased separately. Mini systems are more mobile, easier to set up and install. A minicomputer system combined with specialized equipment and peripherals is designed to perform a specific task. A popular minicomputer is the Digital VAX Computer.

Mainframe is the largest general-purpose computer. It is designed to be used by hundreds even thousands of people. A mainframe uses the same basic building blocks of a computer system: the CPU, various I/O devices and external memory.

Most mainframe computers are general-purpose machines. In 1964 introduced the System/360 mainframe computer. It became the most popular mainframe in the computer history.

A Supercomputer is a very fast special-purpose computer designed to perform highly sophisticated or complex scientific calculations. For example calculating a prime number (one that is divisible only by 1 and itself),or the distance between planets. But computers permit turning many other problems into numbers, such as molecular modeling, geographic modeling and image processing.

Cray is a leading supercomputer maker, with IBM and Fujistsy as major competitors.

A Cray X-MP Supercomputer was used to help to make a movie called ‘The last starfighter’ Computer animation isn’t new but using the X-MP added a whole new dimension of sophistication. Its most remarkable accomplishment was creating the entire bridge of the alien’s starship, complete with animated aliens walking around next to real actors. Because the Cray could process the image in incredibly fine detail, the average viewer would think it looked absolutely real. The X-MP allowed animators to make illusion as convincing as reality itself.

It is interesting to know that ...

PCs and PC-compatibles are used in organization of all sizes. PCs are an office time saver, allowing the staff to write press releases and legislative testimony, performs accounting tasks, and prepares mailing lists more quickly. It is also paves the way for organization to complete more effectively with other public interest groups. Today, over 80 percent of Public Citizen’s employees use PC-compatibles. Word processing has replaced typewriters, hard disk drive storage has reduced the amount of paper kept in filing cabinets, and laser printing has cut their outside printing costs dramatically.

Banks have traditionally used the latest computer technology to automate their own operations, but First Banks for Business found a way to use personal computers to improve customer service. In the past, when a customer wanted to cash a check, the signature card had to be compared to verify identity. That meant looking through a card file or containing central book-keeping, which could take as long as 30 minutes.

Now Banks for Business installed PC-2s with special graphics capabilities and software called Signet to perform the task. When the letters retrieve customer account information from the computer, they see the authorized signatures appear right on the screen. The system also tells them what other signatories are permitted on the account or if two signatures are required to cash a check. The banks say the main reason customers change banks is due to bad service. Using the powerful PS-2s signet, they can cash a customer’s cheek in a minute or less.

People use laptops for many of the same tasks that they use desktops and more.

Astrophysicists use Sun Microsystems workstations for their engineering work. They routinely sketch graphs and diagrams on the screen using computer-aided drafting software, as well as sophisticated calculation software to test mathematical equations. They also exchange ideas and information with each other in electronic messages. One project they have worked on in cooperation with NASA is the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysic Facility. It is an observatory in space that will measure cosmic Xrays, which are invisible an earth. The astrophysicists hope that the information provided will help them understand better how the universe was formed and what is eventual fate will be.

The Sun workstation performed an additionally important task: helping gather visual and textual information into a comprehensive report for NASA to explain how an X-ray telescope would function abroad the observatory. Using electronic publishing software, they combined graphics screens, mathematical equations, and textual explanations into a document that took just six hours to prepare. Previously, it would have taken two days.

III. Fill in the necessary words:

1. ..... are generally classified as general – or special-purpose machine.

2. A special-purpose computer is designed and used ..... for one application.

3. Personal computer ..... on a desktop.

4. Each type of a personal computer ..... many characteristics in common with their counterparts.

5. There are many portables ..... today.

6. CPUs, terminals, printers and storage devices can be ..... separately.

IV. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. All computer systems have the same five hardware components.

2. Input/output devices receive data, enter it into the computer for processing, then send it back to people so it can be used.

3. Storage components don’t keep data for later use.

4. Computers are general-purpose machines.

5. The machine may need to be redesigned and certainly reprogrammed.

6. We can’t say, that there are different types of computers.

V. Ask questions to which the following statements might be the answer:

1. Desktop personal computers are used for education, running a small business or in large corporation to help office workers be more productive.

2. Laptops fall into the same general categories as desktop personal computers.

3. The workstation is a computer that fits on a desktop.

4. Workstations are designed for three major tasks.

5. A minicomputer system combined with specialized equipment and peripherals is designed to perform a specific task.

6. A mainframe uses the same basic building blocks of a computer system: the CPU, I/O devices and external memory.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What have all computers in common?

2. How can we classify computers?

3. What are general /special-purpose computers used for?

4. What are three primary types of personal computers?

5. What is the primary difference between personal computer and workstation?

6. What are major tasks of a workstation?

7. What is minicomputer used for?

8. What does the supercomputer differ from the general-purpose mainframe computer?

9. What are two main characteristics of the supercomputer?

a component, a device, to receive, to enter, to keep, to handle,

to run, to confine, to fit, terminals, calculation

to pay attention to, unprocessed, undirect, monotony, designed

programmed, similar, similarity, unlimited, unite, rare, single, task

together, slow, odd, number, simplicity, to destroy

IX. Match the words of the first column with those of the second one:

1. regardless 1. убеждать

2. to enter 2. проверять

3. a routing 3. покупать

4. to direct 4. ограничиваться

5. to modify 5. входить

6. to purchase 6. видоизменять

7. to convince 7. программа

8. solely 8. не обращая внимание

9. to monitor 9. ладонь

10. occurrence 10. представлять/ быть в состоянии

11. to afford 11. исключительно

12. to confine 12. управлять

13. a palm 13. случай

X. Give the definitions to the following terms:

1. computer

2. supercomputer

3. special-purpose computer

4. general-purpose computer

5. personal computer

6. minicomputer

7. mainframe


I. Look up the words in the dictionary. Write them down.

issuing commands to insert a double click

a desktop non-impact to utilize

to install a seal a beam

a strip a track a pin

a wedge a slot a dot

to slide to delete an auxiliary storage

to attach a keypad density

II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Input and Output Devices

A peripheral is a device performs input, output or storage functions and is connected to CPU. In order for the computer to be of use to us, there must be some types of mechanism for entering data into the computer for processing. Devices which allow the task of data entry to be performed are called input devices.

Input we use to perform the two basic computational tasks: data entry and issuing commands. The most widely used input device is the keyboard, which was adapted from the typewriter. The keyboard is the standard mean for the user to input data into the computer. Unfortunately, it is not a very satisfactory means of input because most people have little or no knowledge of the layout of a typewriter keyboard.

The keyboard itself doesn’t contain any mechanism for creating printed pages. Each time a key on the keyboard is pressed, an electronic signal is sent to the system unit indicating which key was pressed. The system unit and the software interpret this signal and take the appropriate action.

Some keys are added to terminal keyboards to fulfill special functions. The most important of these is the RETURN or ENTRY key. This is pressed by the user to indicate to the computer, by the sending of a special code, that the typed line is complete and that the computer can now analyze it. Other keys that may be present include a delete key which when pressed deletes the character just typed, special function keys that can be used for special purpose by different programs and one marked CONTROL or CTRL which also has a particular function when used with other keys. Some keyboards may also have a numeric keypad to the right of the typewriter keyboard. This may be of help when entering numeric data.

There are three keyboard layouts. The first is the standard IBM-PC keyboard. The central portion of the keyboard consists of the alphanumeric keys, that there are ten function keys (labeled F1 – F10) on the top side of the keyboard, and there is a numeric keypad, much like that found on a calculator, on the right side of the keyboard.

The function keys are keys which send special signals to the system unit. The effect of pressing a given function key will depend on the software which is currently in use.

The numeric keypad is useful when numeric data must be entered into the computer. The numeric keypad serves two roles. The 1st role is the digits, decimal points and addition and subtraction signs are active. The 2nd role is the key of the keypad are used to control the small blinking box or line on the screen which shows the user where the next typed character will be displayed. This line is known as the cursor. The cursor control keys are the arrows (left, right, up and down), PgUp, PgDn, Insert and Delete. But there are several types of pointing device that are used to move the cursor and usually work in conjunction with the keyboard. The most common pointing device is the mouse, so called because it slides over the desktop and has a wire or ‘tail’ attached to the computer.

So a mouse is a hand-held device with a small rotating ball embedded in the bottom. The mouse is an opto-mechanical input device. It has three or two buttons which control the cursor movement across the screen. Each software program uses those buttons differently. The Mouse’s primary functions are to help users to draw, point and select images on the computer display by moving the mouse across the screen. In general software programs require to press one or more buttons, sometimes keeping them depressed or double-click them to issue changed in commands and to draw or to erase images.

The Mouse slopes gently towards the front, so fingers rest comfortably on the three (or two) buttons which respond easily, and click when pressed. Especially this feature is helpful when user must «double-click» the buttons to activate commands. Hardware installation is required to utilize the mouse.

Another pointing device is a trackball, which performs like a stationary upside-down mouse. A joystick is another pointing device, one that is usually associated with playing computer games. A light-pen is used to draw, write or issue commands when it touches the specially designed monitor or screen. It is a pen-shaped device connected by a cable to the terminal and a thin beam of light shines from the end. When the pen is pressed on the screen, the co-ordinates of the point are fed to the computer.

A scanner permits entering text into a computer. There are flat-bed scanners and hand-held scanners.

Perhaps the easiest way to enter data into a computer is by speaking, called Voice Recognition. Source data input refers to data fed directly into the computer without human intervention.

If the result of the processing is to be any use to us, the system unit must somehow convey these results to us. Devices which are used for this purpose are called output devices. Today, most outputs are visual in nature, produced by two devices: a video display screen monitor or a printer. Most computer outputs come in two forms: text and graphics. A monitor may be referred to as a cathode Ray Tube (CRT) – a vacuum tube such as the picture tube on a television set – that is used to generate the display on most monitors. Portable computers usually rely on other, less bulky, technologies, such as liquid crystal diode (LCD) or gas plasma displays. Each monitor has either a color or a monochrome display and has varying degrees of picture sharpness. The sharpness or resolution of a video display is often stated in term of the number individual dots which can be displayed on the screen. These individual dots are called pixels (picture elements). The typical display will allow 25 rows and 80 columns of textual material.

Printers are output devices which produce hardcopy. Printers come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, with varying capabilities and mechanisms for printing. The important thing is the user must be sure that the printer is appropriate to the type of output that he wishes to produce. There are three main types of printers: a dot-matrix printer, a letter quality printer and a laser printer.

A dot-matrix printer produced output by having small pins strike a ribbon, producing a pattern of dots on the paper. A letter quality printer uses the same technology as a typewriter, with type holding the reserved images of fully formed characters striking the ribbon. Dot matrix printers can also produce both characters and graphics by building a pattern of dots.

A laser printer provides high-quality non-impact printing and offers the highest quality texts and graphics printing for the desktop. A laser printer is like a dot-matrix printer is produced by generating patterns of dots; this is done electronically, so that the pattern can be extremely fine, making the individual dots indistinguishable to the naked eye.

A letter quality printer is unable to produce both characters and graphics by building a pattern of dots, because a dot pattern is not used to produce characters. A letter quality printer allows the production of documents with a high quality of printing at a relatively low cost.

There are another types of printers. Inkjet printers transfer characters and images to paper by spraying a fine jet of ink. Like lasers, they are able to print many different types of fonts and graphics.

Other printers include plotters, that use colored pens for scientific and engineering drawing and thermal printers that use heat to form a nonimpact image on paper.

Computer output can also be sent to another machine, device or computer. Computer output task involved micrographics. Micrographics is a way to store output on a film. Output is sent to a special machine that reduces its size and records it 10 to 20 times faster than printing.

There are two methods of storing and accessing instructions or data in auxiliary storage. One is direct access and the other is sequential access.

Direct access, called random access, means the data is stored in a particular memory location. Direct access storage devices or DASD are magnetic disk drives use for auxiliary storage. There are two types of DASD: floppy disks and hard disks. Floppy disks are divided into two sizes of portable magnetic disks, which are commonly in use. The first of these is the 5.25 floppy disk. The second of these is the 3.5 floppy disk. Both these disks are called diskettes, because the disk material itself is a strong, flexible (floppy) plastic. The 5.25 disk has a heavy, but flexible, plastic envelope that protects the actual disk. The 3.5 disk has a rigid plastic casing to protect the disk.

The capacity of disks is determined by the density with which the metallic particles are placed on the disk; so the capacity of a disk is expressed in terms of this density. A 5.25 double density disk can hold approximately 360K bytes, a 5.25 high density disk can hold 1.2 megabytes. A 3.5 double density disk can hold 720K bytes, a 3.5 high density disk can hold 1.44 megabytes.

Hard disks operate in a similar fashion to floppy disks, but the disk itself is made from a rigid material – often aluminum. In most personal computers the hard disk and the hard disk drive are single unit that is permanently installed. The hard disk is a sealed unit manufactured to fine tolerance, it can operate at higher speed and store more data and information than floppy disk systems. A common size for a hard disk is 40 megabytes, which can hold as much data as over double density 5.25 floppies.

On disk type storage, data is magnetically laid out in tracks and sectors. Tracks are concentric circles on which data is recorded. Sectors are pie-shaped wedges that compartmentalize the data into the addresses for the head to locate. Multiple head disks drives organize tracks into cylinders, a vertical stack of tracks that make it easier for the head to locate the data.

III. Translate these into your own language:

1. input, output or storage functions 10. a stationary upside-down mouse

2. to be of use to us 11. without human intervention

3. basic computational tasks 12. less bulky

4. the standard mean 13. naked eye

5. interpret the signal 14. spraying a fine jet of ink

6. numeric keypad 15. fonts and graphics

7. central portion 16. direct and sequential access

8. small blinking box 17. flexible, plastic envelope

9. small rotating ball embedded in the bottom

IV. Translate these into English:

1. вводное устройство 10. курсор

2. выводное устройство 11. легко передвигается по столу

3. клавиатура 12. необходимо нажать 1 или 2 кнопки

4. результативные команды 13. двойной щелчок

5. для создания напечатанных образов 14. удалить

6. выполнять специальные функции 15. соединенный с помощью кабеля

7. слои 16. Жидкий кристаллический диод

8. справа 17. четкость изображения

9. следующий напечатанный символ

V. Fill in the gaps necessary words:

1. A peripheral is a ..... that performs input/ output or ..... functions.

2. There must be some type of mechanism for ..... data into the computer for ..... .

3. Input is used to perform two basic computational tasks ..... and ..... .

4. There are three keyboard ..... .

5. The numeric ..... is useful when numeric data must be ..... into the computer.

6. The mouse is a ..... unit with a small rotating ball.

7. A user must ..... the buttons to activate the command.

8. The system unit must ..... the results to us.

9. Printers are ..... devices which produce ..... .

10. ..... or ..... are magnetic disk drives use for auxiliary storage.

11. The ..... of disks is ..... by the density.

12. The ..... is a sealed unit, which is installed by the manufacturer.

VI. Fill in the prepositions:

1. A keyboard was adapted ..... the typewriter.

2. Special function keys can be used ..... special purpose ..... different programs.

3. There are 10 function keys ..... the top side of the keyboard.

4. Numeric data must be entered ..... the computer.

5. Joystick is usually associated ..... playing computer games.

6. A scanner permits entering text ..... a computer.

7. Vacuum tube is used to generate the display ..... most monitors.

8. Micrographics is a way to store output ..... film.

9. Floppy disks are divided ..... two sizes of portable magnetic disks.

10. The capacity of disks is determined by the density ..... which the metal particles are placed ..... the disk.

VII. Find the synonyms to the following words:

a unit, a memory, a device, to permit, to correspond (to)

input/ output, to erase, a part, to direct, to slip, to insert

to transfer, to diverse, to short, to use

VIII. Find the antonyms to the following words:

to forbid, narrow, a main unit, hardly, to forget, dull

to separate, to enter commands, without results, inappropriate

to release, top, rouge, to store, a thick beam, beginning

lower speed, hard disk, inconstant, soft copy, impact

printing, low quality, expensive, to pollute

IX. Give the definitions to the following terms:

1. input device 7. a joystick

2. output device 8. voice recognition

3. a keyboard 9. printer

4. a mouse 10. hard-disk

5. a scanner 11. floppy disk

6. trackball

X. Which sentences don’t correspond to the sense of the text:

1. Input we use to perform the two basic computational tasks: data entry and issuing commands.

2. There are a lot of kinds of keyboards. IBM manufactures a keyboard which has a split-keypad, gently sloping keyboard that fits more closely to natural position of your hands and wrists.

3. The most common pointing device is the mouse. The mouse’s primary functions are to help users to draw, point and select images on the computer display.

4. There are a lot of output devices. The most convenient is when scanner, printer and fax are united together in one.

5. There are several types of auxiliary storage. Floppy disks are divided into two sizes: 5.25 floppy disk and 3.5 floppy disk.

XI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the peripheral?

2. What can input units perform? Name the input units. Give them short characteristics.

3. What can the output units perform? Name them and give them short characteristics.

4. How many methods of storing and accessing instructions or data are in the auxiliary storage?

5. How many types of disks do you know? Give the features to the floppy disks, to the hard-disks.

XII. Write the plan for retelling.

XIII. Retell the text.


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

interchangeably a portion a decoder a bistable device

to retrieve a flow timing marks an adder

a reference a counter a bank

II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

The Central Processing Unit and Arithmetical Logical Unit (CPU and ALU)

It is common practice in computer science for the words ‘computer’ and ‘processor’ to be used interchangeably. More precisely, ‘computer’ refers to the central processing unit (CPU) together with an internal memory. The internal memory, control and processing components make up the heart of the computer system. Manufactures design the CPU to control and carry out basic instructions for their particular computer.

In digital computers the CPU can be divided into two functional units called the control unit (CU) and the arithmetical-logical unit (ALU). These two units are made up of electronic circuits with millions of switches that can be one of two states, either on or off.

The function of the control unit within the central processor is to transmit coordinating control signals and commands. The control unit is that portion of the computer that directs the sequence or step-by-step operation of the system, selects instructions and data from memory, interprets the program instructions, and controls the flow between main storage and the arithmetical-logical unit.

A control unit has the following components:

a) a counter that selects the instructions, one at a time, from the memory;

b) a register that temporarily holds the instruction read from memory while it is being executed;

c) a decoder that takes the called instruction and breaks it down into individual commands necessary to carry it out;

d) a clock, which while not a clock in the sense of a time-keeping device, does produce marks at regular intervals.

This timing marks are electronic and very rapid.

The arithmetical-logical unit (ALU) is that portion of the computer in which the arithmetical operations, namely, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation, called for in the instructions are performed.

Programs and the data on which the control unit and the ALU operate, must be in internal memory in order to be processed. Thus, if located on secondary memory devices such as disks or tapes, programs and data are first loaded into internal memory.

The primary components of the ALU are banks of bistable devices, which are called register. Their purpose is to hold the numbers involved in the calculation and hold the result temporarily unit they can be transferred to memory.

At the core of the arithmetical-logical unit is a very high-speed binary adder, which is used to carry out at last the four basic arithmetical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Typical modern computers can perform as many as one hundred thousand additions of pairs of thirty-two binary numbers within a second.

The logical unit consists of electronic circuitry, which compares information and makes decisions based upon the result of the comparison. The decisions that can be made are whether a number is greater than, equal to, or less than another number.

III. Find English equivalents in the text:

1. более точно

2. внутренняя память

3. управлять и обрабатывать

4. сердце компьютерной системы

5. выполнять основные инструкции

6. миллионы переключателей

7. передавать контрольные сигналы

8. часть компьютера

9. счетчик, который выбирает инструкции

10. временно удерживать

11. переделывать (переводить) инструкции в индивидуальные команды

12. устройство, которое показывает время

13. возведение в степень

14. загружать

15. сравнивание

IV. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and expressions:

1. common practice

2. to be used

3. manufactures design the CPU

4. can be divided into two functional units

5. are made up of electronic circuits

6. to transmit coordinating control signals

7. the sequence or step-by-step operation

8. to interpret the program instructions

9. the flow between main storage and the ALU

10. one at a time

11. is being executed

12. rapid

13. in order to be processed

14. secondary memory device

15. involved

16. within a second

V. Give the situations from the text in which the following words and expressions are used:

1. the words computer and processor 6. located

2. the internal memory 7. first loaded

4. components 9. high-speed binary adder

5. the arithmetical-logical unit 10. electronic circuitry

VI. Fill in the blanks necessary words and prepositions:

1. More precisely, ‘computer’ refers ..... the central processing unit.

2. The CPU can also ..... information from memory and can ..... the result of manipulations back into ..... unit ..... later reference.

3. The control unit is that portion of the computer that ..... the sequence operations of the system, selects ..... and data ..... memory and controls the flow ..... main storage and the ALU.

4. Programs and the data on which the control unit and the ALU operate, must be in ..... to be processed.

5. At the core of the arithmetical-logical unit is a very high-speed.

6. Modern computers can ..... more than one hundred thousand additions ..... thirty-two bits within a second.

7. It is common practice in computer science ..... the words ‘computer’ and ‘processor’ to be used.

VII. Find in the text synonyms to the following words:

to define, to put in, to order, among, choice

to be situated, to fulfill, main, couple, part

VIII. Find in the text antonyms to the following words:

external ,to join, secondary, particular, unchangeable, to take

to give, permanently, unnecessary, irregular, more, original

IX. Answer the following questions:

1. Where does the word ‘computer’ refer to?

2. How can the CPU in digital computers be divided?

3. What is the function of the control unit?

4. What components has a control unit?

5. What is the arithmetical-logical unit?

6. Where are programs and data first loaded?

7. What are the primary components of the ALU?

8. What can modern computers perform?

X. Retell the text in English.


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

to run RAM (random access memory) to assist

to direct Volatile memory a repository

to involve ROM (read only memory) disk drive


II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Computer Memory

Software gives instructions that tell computers what to do. There are two kinds of software. The first is System Software and includes programs that run the computer system or that aid programmers in performing their work. The second kind of software is Application Software, which directs the computer to perform specific tasks that often involve the user.

Memory is the general term used to describe a computer system’s storage facilities. Memory’s job is to store the instruction or programs and data in the computer. Memory can be divided into two major categories: 1. main memory, 2 auxiliary storage. Main memory is also called main storage, internal storage or primary storage and is a part of the CPU. Main memory is usually on chips or a circuit board with the other two components of the CPU. RAM for Random Access Memory, is the storage area directly controlled by the computer’s CPU. Main Memory assists the control unit and the ALU by serving as a repository for the program being executed and for data as it passes through. RAM or Volatile memory so called because its contents are replaced when new instructions and data are added, or when electrical power to the computer is shut off. RAM is read-write memory, in that it can receive or read data and instructions from other sources such as auxiliary storage.

Another type of memory is ROM or Read Only Memory. ROM holds instructions that can be read by the computer but no written over. ROM is sometimes called firmware because it holds instructions from the firm or manufacturer.

Auxiliary storage, also called auxiliary memory or secondary storage, is memory that supplements main storage. This type of memory is long-term, Nonvolatile Memory. Nonvolatile means that computer is turned off or on.

III. Fill in the blanks necessary words:

1. ..... gives instructions that tell computers what to do.

2. ..... directs the computer to perform specific tasks that often involve the user.

3. Memory’s job is to store ..... .

4. ..... can be divided into two main categories.

5. Main memory is usually on ..... .

6. ..... is read-write memory.

7. ..... holds instructions that can be read by the computer but no written over.

8. ..... is memory that supplements main storage.

9. ..... means that the computer is turned off or on.

1. Memory can store instructions, programs, data ..... the computer.

2. Main memory is usually ..... chips or a circuit board ..... the other two components of the CPU.

3. RAM ..... random access memory is the storage area controlled ..... the computer’s CPU.

4. Memory so called because its contents are replaced, when instructions are added or when electrical power is shut ..... .

5. ROM holds instructions that can be read, but no written ..... .

a storage device, to perform, to handle, to process, a portion

to transmit, to store, a routing

to take away, to break down, secondary, external

old instructions, switch on, short-term

VII. Which sentences don’t correspond to the sense of the text?

1. CMOS is used in PCs to store information such as the amount of installed memory.

2. Software gives instructions that tell computers what to do.

3. CMOS also contains a wonderful clock with a built-in-alarm, which we don’t get to use.

4. The Software as most intangible products is not always capable of being readily evaluated.

5. Volatile memory is replaced when new instructions and data are added.

6. Firmware holds instructions from the firm or manufacturer.

7. CMOS memory is used on IBM compatible machines to store system information that needs to be preserved even when the computer is turned off.

VIII. Give the definition to the following terms:

1. software 5. RAM

2. memory 6. ROM

3. main memory 7. volatile memory

4. auxiliary memory 8. nonvolatile memory

IX. Answer the questions:

1. Does software give instructions that tell computers what to do?

2. How many kinds of software do you know? What are they?

3. When do you use the term ‘memory’?

4. What is the job of memory?

5. Can you name two major categories of memory?

X. Retell the text.


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

accounting to edit a folder

drafting to finance schematic

spreadsheet charts via

to gain to scatter enhance

to create a cabinet brochures

II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Application Programs

An Application Program is a software program that performs a specific function, such as accounting, word processing or drafting. There are some categories of application program to choose from spreadsheet, Database Management, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Communications, Graphic presentations, desktop Publishing, Integrated Programs, Window and Windows – based Programs. Within each category, there are several software programs which have gained industry-wide acceptance.

Word processing: is the most common application for a personal computer. Most word processing software programs allow us to create, edit, and save documents, along with changing the position of the text in a document, inserting new information in the middle of the text, or removing words and sections no longer needed. With a typewriter, you would have to re-type the entire document after a few major changes. Given a computer, a document can be stored electronically and retrieved at any time for modification.

Examples of word processing programs include: – Word Perfect; –MS-Word; –Multimate; –Wordstar; –Displaywrite; –Word for Windows; –Word Perfect for Windows.

Accounting and spreadsheets: One of the primary functions of the first mainframe computers was to store and calculate volumes of financial data for banks and large businesses. Nowadays, a personal computer is capable of handing the accounting and finances of almost any small to medium-sized business. Many different programs are available for plotting financial trends and performing everyday bookkeeping functions. One of the most popular financial tools is called a spreadsheet. An electronic spreadsheet is a software program, which performs mathematical calculations and ‘want – if’ analysis. Besides replacing your pencil and calculator for solving financial and statistical problems, spreadsheets can display line graphics, bar chats, and scatter plot diagrams. Often accounting and spreadsheet programs are designed to work together, in efforts to provide the financial solution.

Examples of accounting programs include: ACCPAC Simply Accounting, ACCPAC plus, Business Vision Turbo, New Views Accounting, Great Plains, Dac Easy, Peach Tree, Abacus II.

Examples of spreadsheet programs include: Lotus 1-2-3, MS-Exel, Quatro Pro, Supercale.

Database Management. A database is a simply collection of related information. Some common examples are a phone book, an inventory list, a personal file. A Database Management Software program assists in manipulating and organizing the information in a database. A database application is any task ordinarily handled by a filing cabinet, multiply file folders, or some other information storage system. In a manual system, for example, each drawer in filing cabinet is reserved for a specific purpose, such as maintaining profile sheets on customers. Each profile is written on a standard form and a clerk places the file folder in the drawer. This manual process is identical to a computerized database, where the database software performs the function of the filing clerk. Rather that placing the customer profiles in the filing cabinet drawer, a computerized database stores each profile electronically on a disk.

Some examples of a database management programs: Dbase, R:BASE, Paradox, FoxPro, Q&A, Oracle.

Computer Aided Design. Computers are the perfect tools for creating drawing or architectural plans. Because the drawings can be saved, it is easy to incorporate modifications, design improvements and corrections. Computers are often used on the final process of converting a computer drawing into a physical product. One such example is the manufacturing of electronic circuit boards. First, the electronic circuit drafting program produces the schematic design, then a second program tests the design by simulating the circuit’s operation, and finally a third program constructs the circuit board from the design layout.

Computer Aided Design programs are: AutoCAD, TANGO, PCAD, Generic CAD.

Communications: Computers can communicate with each other via regular telephone lines and modems. Communication software programs enable different types of computers to exchange data using a common language. The IMB PC can actually emulate various types of equipment, around the world, with the help of software. Communication programs are: Smartcom, Kermit, Crosstalk, PC Talk, Pro Comm, PC Anywhere, CloseUp.

Graphic Presentations: There are actually some people, who prefer to look at 14 columns of numbers across several pages for analyzing a business’ performance. These people are called accountants. However, most people are visual learners of diagrams, graphs and charts for representing numerical trends. There are a variety of programs for displaying information graphically: –Lotus 1-2-3, Exel, Quatro Pro, Chartmaster, Chart, Harvard Graphics, Micrografix Powerpoint, DrawPerfect.

Desktop Publishing is the process of taking a document and inserting graphics and applying enhanced formatting options. These programs take text from the more common word processor and produce print-shop quality output. Desktop publishing programs are used to create newsletters, brochures, reports, book and other publications.

Desktop publishing programs include: Aldus PageMaker, Ventura Publisher, AMI Professional. Integrated Programs: they unite one or more of the primary computer applications, whether word processing, spreadsheet or database into a single package. These programs allow people to experiment with the major computer applications, while only investing in a single product. The post popular integrated programs are: –MS-Works, Q&A, Eight in one, Symphony, Framework.

Microsoft Windows. Windows is a program, which enhances many aspects of using a microcomputer. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI and pronounced «Gooey») for programs running under the Windows environment. In other word, Windows allows a person to use a mouse and choose special symbols to point at and select desired functions, rather than having to remember commands. As well Windows’ products allow a WYSIWYG (‘what you see is, what you get’) screen display, especially important for word processing and desktop publishing programs.

Here are some examples of Window – based products:

  1. Word Perfect for Windows (word processing).
  2. MS-Word for Windows (word processing).
  3. MS-Exel for Windows (spreadsheet).
  4. Aldus Page Maker (desktop publishing).
  5. AMI Professional (word processing).
  6. ACCPAC Simply Accounting (accounting).

III. Translate these into your own language:

1. software program

2. application program

3. industry-wide acceptance

4. along with changing the position

5. no longer needed

6. to re-type the entire document

7. calculate volumes of financial data

8. bookkeeping functions

9. to assist in manipulating and organizing the information

10. perfect tools

11. program tests the design

12. emulate various types

13. select desired functions

IV. Find English equivalents to the following words and expressions in the text:

1. выполнять специфическую функцию

3. создавать, редактировать, сохранять документы

4. вставлять новую информацию

5. удалять слова, которые больше не нужны

7. получить в любое время

8. быть способным, быть в состоянии что-либо выполнять

9. ручной процесс

10. пласт

11. используется, чтобы создать

12. позволяет людям экспериментировать

13. выбрать

V. Finish the sentences according to the text.

1. An application program is a software ..... .

2. Word processing software programs allow us ..... .

3. An electronic spreadsheet is a ..... .

4. A data base application is any task ..... .

5. Computers are perfect tools for ..... .

6. Communication programs enable different types of computers ......

7. There are some people who prefer to look at 14 columns of numbers across several pages for ..... .

8. These programs take text from the more common word processor and ..... .

9. Windows allows a person ..... .

VI. Give appropriate definitions and examples of the following application programs:

1. word-processing 5. communications

2. accounting and spreadsheets 6. graphic presentations

3. database management 7. desktop publishing

4. computer aided design 8. Microsoft Windows

VII. What kind of programs do you choose to perform the following tasks:

1. to create, edit and save documents;

2. to make a phone book, inventory list, a personal file;

3. to store and calculate volumes of financial data for banks;

4. to use a mouse and choose special symbols to point at and select desired functions;

5. to create drawings or architectural plans;

6. to communicate with other persons via regular telephone to exchange data using a common language;

7. to unite one or more of the primary computer applications.

VIII. Answer the questions:

1. What is an application program?

2. What does word processing software program allow to do?

3. What was one of the primary functions of the first mainframe computers?

4. What is a personal computer capable doing now?

5. What is spreadsheet?

6. What is database?

7. What are the perfect tools for creating drawings?

8. What are desktop publishing programs used to?

9. What is windows?

IX. Give a short summary of the text.


I. Look up in the dictionary how to pronounce the following words. Write them down in the dictionary.

flipping toggle to comprise a notation to issue ambiguity

awkward to declare a source a compiler to retrieve

II. Read the text and do the exercises that follow it.

Programming Languages

Programming has been with us for over 40 years but it wasn’t born at the time as the first computers. When the first early computers were built, there were no programming languages. First machines were initially programmed by flipping toggle switches and changing cables. Needless to say, this was a slow, awkward process. People began quickly searching for a better, faster way to issue instructions to the computer.

The result was what we call Programming Languages. The programming languages fall into three general categories. They are comprised of ones and zeros, and are directly understood or executed by hardware. Electronic circuitry turns these 0s and 1s into the operations the computer performs.

Assembly Languages are powerful programming tools because they allow programmers a large amount of direct control over the hardware. They offer programmers greater ease in writing instructions but preserve the programmer’s ability to declare exactly what operations the hardware performs. Assembly languages are machine-specific, or machine-dependent. Machine-dependent means the instructions are specific to one type of computer hardware. Assembly languages are still provided by most computer manufacturers – they can’t be translated and used on another computer.

Assembly code for a Prime mini won’t work on a Digital mini. Assembly code can’t even be transferred between some machines built by the same manufacturer. For the most part, assembly languages are used by systems programmers to develop operating systems and their components.

So Assembly languages were the first bridge between the English Language and the computer’s binary language. The creation of high-level programming languages followed. A high-level language is a language in which each instruction or statement correspond to several machine code instructions.

As high-level languages are a method of writing programs using Englishlike words as instructions, they allow users to write in a notation with which they are familiar, e.g., Fortran in mathematical notation, Cobol in English.

High-level programming languages combine several machine language instructions into one high-level instruction. Low-level languages required only a single letter or a short mnemonic a term, or a word that is easy to identify, such as ADD for addition. High-level language requires just a single statement.

A Statement is an expression of instruction in a programming language. For example, PRINT FILE, TXT is a statement. A statement translates into one or more instructions at the machine language level. Each programming language includes a set of statement and a syntax. Syntax is the set of rules governing the language’s structure and statements. The syntax rules may include how statements are written, the order in which statements occur, and how sections of programs are organized.

FORTRAN was created in 1954 by John Backus. And it was one of the first high-level languages for FORmular TRANslator. Fortran allows programmers to calculate complex formulas with a few source code instructions. It is used for scientific and mathematical problems. The source program is written using combination of algebraic formulas and English statements of a standard but readable form.

Another high-level machine language is Cobol. Cobol was developed by the Conference on Data Systems Languages. Cobol was issued by the US Government Printing Office in 1960. Cobol stands for Common Business-Oriented Language. The source program is written using statements in English. It was made for business industry, government and education applications. This means that Cobol «has a place for everything» and requires programmers to «put everything in its place». Cobol programs are separated into four sections, called divisions:

1. The Identification Division (раздел идентификации) documents the program name, the programmer’s name (s), dates and any other important identification information.

2. The Environment Division (раздел оборудования) names the computer hardware, including the CPU and I/O devices.

3. Data Division (раздел данных) identifies all associated files and working storage sections of the program.

4. The Procedure Division contains all the instructions in the Cobol program.

Cobol divisions are further divided into paragraphs and sections. This structure helps programmers write code efficiently and with a minimum of repetition and confusion.

Algol was developed as an international language for the expression of the algorithms between individuals, as well as programming language. It was introduced in the early 1960s. Algol stands for ALGOrithmic Language. This language is used for mathematical and scientific use. An Algol program consists of data items, statements and declarations, organized into a program structure BASIC or the Beginners AU-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, was developed over a period of years by professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz and students in the computer science program at Dartmouth College. It was released in 1965. In most versions, BASIC is an unstructured language. The original Basic was easy to learn allowing computer users to write simple programs within a few minutes.

Basic uses five major categories of statements:

– Arithmetical statements allow users to use Basic like a calculator

– Input/ Output statements, including READ, DATA, INPUT and PRINT

– Control statements including GOTO, IF-THEN, FOR, NEXT and END control the sequence of instructions executed by the computer

– Other statements help document Basic programs and set up data dimensions respectively

– System Commands tell the operating system how to work with Basic programs

RUN means execute a program

LIST directs the computer to display a Basic program.

III. Fill in the gaps necessary words or expressions:

1. First machines were ..... by flipping toggle switches and ..... .

2. The programming languages fall into ..... .

3. They are comprised of ..... and ..... .

4. ..... are powerful programming tools.

5. Machine-dependent means ..... .

6. A high-level language is a language in which ..... .

7. ..... is an expression of instruction in a programming language.

8. ..... allows programmers to calculate complex formulas with a few source code instructions.

9. ..... stands for ALGOrithmic Language.

10. Basic uses ..... .

IV. Fill in the prepositions:

1. Programming has been ..... us for over 40 years.

2. People began searching ..... a better, faster way to issue instructions to the computer.

3. They offer programmers greater ease ..... writing instructions.

4. Assembly code ..... a Prime mini won’t work ..... a Digital mini.

5. Assembly languages were the first bridge ..... the English Language and the computer’s binary language.

6. A statement translates ..... one or more instructions ..... the machine language level.

7. System Commands tell the operating system how to work ... Basic programs.

V. Find the synonyms to the following words:

to execute, a tool, to allow, to preserve a notation, to issue, to differ

VI. Find the antonyms to the following words:

to die, to be destroyed, important, slowly, indirectly, difficulty

low level, unfamiliar, high level, to unite

VII. Give appropriate definition of the following terms:

1. programming languages

2. Assembly Language

3. Cobol

4. Algol

5. Basic

VIII. Give the situation from the text in which the following words and expressions are used:

1. for over 40 years

2. slow, awkward process

3. three general categories

4. a large amount of direct control

5. machine-dependent

6. to develop operating systems and their components

7. combine several machine language instructions

8. a set of statements

9. a few code instructions

10. write code efficiently

IX. Answer the questions:

1. How were the first computers programmed?

2. What is an example of assembly language?

3. What does the term machine-dependent mean?

4. What is an assembly language primary used for?

5. What is a high-level language?

6. What does it combine?

7. What is a statement/syntax?

8. When was FORTRAN created? What is Fortran?

9. When was Cobol created? What is Cobol?

10. How many sections are Cobol separated into?

11. What is Algol (when was it developed and for what)?

12. What is Basic?

13. What are major categories of Basic?

Список использованных источников

Основная литература

  1. Агабекян И.П. Английский для бакалавров. – Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2012.
  2. Бусыгин Б.С., Коротенко Г.М., Коротенко Л.М. Введение в современную информатику. – Днепропетровск, НГУ, 2011.
  3. Сукнов М.П. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для студентов 1-2 курсов компьютерных и радиотехнических специальностей. – Компания СМИТ, 2012.

Дополнительная литература

  1. Радовель В. А. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности: Учебное пособие / Радовель В. А. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2006. – 224 с.
  2. Учебное пособие English for Computer Science Students / Сост. Т.В. Смирнова, М.В. Юдельсон; Науч. Ред. Н.А. Дударева. – 3-е изд. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2003. – 128 с.: 9 ил.
  3. Eric H. Glendinning, John McEwan. – Basic English for computing. – Oxford University Press. – 1999.
  4. Tom Ricca-McCarthy, Michael Duckworth. – English for Telecoms and Information Technology. – Oxford University Press. – 2013


  1. http://www.eslcafe.com
  2. http://www.study.ru

«Английский язык для начинающих радиотехнического факультета и факультета информационных технологий УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС для студентов специальностей 40.01.01 ...»

-- [ Страница 1 ] --

Министерство образования Республики Беларусь

Учреждение образования

«Полоцкий государственный университет»


Проректор по учебной работе

В.В. Булах

Английский язык

для начинающих радиотехнического факультета и факультета информационных технологий


для студентов специальностей 40.01.01 «Программное обеспечение информационных технологий»

39.02.01 «Моделирование и компьютерное проектирование РЭС»

40.02.01 «Вычислительные машины и сети»

36.04.02 «Промышленная электроника»

98.01.01 «Компьютерная безопасность»

39.01.01 «Радиотехника»

Составление и общая редакция Д.В. Малиновская О.А. Лиша Новополоцк ПГУ УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.

А Рецензенты:

Станкевич Н.П., учитель английского языка высшей категории УО «Новополоцкая государственная гимназия № 2»;

Шабан Н.М., учитель английского языка высшей категории УО «Новополоцкая государственная гимназия № 2»;

Гришанович Н.В., учитель английского языка высшей категории УО «Новополоцкая государственная гимназия № 2»;

Ядрищенская С.В., магистр педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков УО «ПГУ»

Рекомендован к изданию методической комиссией радиотехнического факультета и факультета информационных технологий В предлагаемом учебно-методическом комплексе представлено содержание изучаемого курса на первом этапе обучения (1-2 семестры), определены цели, задачи и объем практических занятий каждого семестра.

Комплекс построен по блочно-модульному принципу: весь курс разбит на модули, которые, в свою очередь, на учебные элементы.

Материал учебных элементов каждого модуля объединн тематически.

Предлагаются тесты для входного и итогового контроля каждого модуля, лексический минимум, теоретический материал по грамматике, комплекс лексических грамматических упражнений, приложения, содержащие тексты для дополнительного чтения, таблицу неправильных глаголов, а также ключи к упражнениям и тестам.

Предназначен для студентов специальностей 40.01.01 «Программное обеспечение информационных технологий», 39.01.01 «Радиотехника», 40.02.01 «Вычислительные машины и сети», 39.02.01 «Моделирование и компьютерное проектирование РЭС», 36.04.02 «Промышленная электроника», 98.01.01 «Компьютерная безопасность».

УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.

Предисловие ……………………………………………………………………....

Введение…………………………………………………………………………… Предметно-тематическое содержание курса…………………………………….

Формы контроля…………………………………………………………………..

Учебный план……………………………………………………………………...


УЭ-0 Введение в модуль (Entry Test)..…………………………………………..

УЭ-1 Звуковой ряд английского языка. Алфавит……………………….............

УЭ-2 Правила чтения гласных и согласных букв……………………….............

УЭ-3 Правила чтения буквосочетаний гласных и согласных...………………...

УЭ-4 Grammar: глагол to be в Present Simple. Артикль. Множественное число существительных………………………………………………………………….

УЭ-5 Местоимения. Предлоги места. Конструкция there is/are………………..

УЭ-6 The Time. Days of the Week. The Months. Порядковые числительные.

Повелительное наклонение……………………………………………………….

УЭ-7 Progress Test…..……………………………………………………..............


УЭ-1 Vocabulary About Yourself and Others …………………………...............

УЭ-2 Глагол to have (got) в Present Simple. Genitive Case…………………….....

УЭ-3 Vocabulary Jobs. Word building. Present Simple………………………....

УЭ-4 Reading About My Family and Myself…………………………………....

УЭ-5 Present Continuous…..……………………………………………………....

УЭ-6 Degrees of Comparison……………………………………………………...

УЭ-7 Future Simple. Ways of expressing future plans……………………..............

УЭ-8 Past Simple. Past Continuous………………………………………………...

УЭ-9 Vocabulary Polotsk State University. Modal Verbs……………………….

УЭ-10 Vocabulary Novopolotsk/ Polotsk. Passive Voice……………………..

УЭ-11 Progress Test………………………………………………………..............


УЭ-0 Введение в модуль (Entry Test)..…………………………………………...

УЭ-1 Vocabulary Computers Today. Participles...……………………………....

УЭ-2 Vocabulary On the History of Computer Development…………………...

УЭ-3 Vocabulary Computers in Everyday Life………………………….............

УЭ-4 Vocabulary My Future Speciality. Infinitive……………………………..

УЭ-5 Progress Tests………………………………………………………………..

Appendix 1 Supplementary Reading………………………………………..............

Appendix 2 Irregular Verbs……………………………………………………….

Appendix 3 Keys…………………………………………………………………..



Возрастающая роль и значение самостоятельной работы студентов в вузе в системе высшего образования на данном этапе развития общества неоспорима и давно волнует преподавателей высшей школы, так как глубокие прочные знания и устойчивые умения могут быть приобретены студентами только в результате самостоятельной работы. Вопрос в том, как организовать самостоятельную работу студентов наиболее эффективно с тем, чтобы не только предоставить студентам определенную сумму знаний по различным учебным предметам, а стимулировать их взять из полученного ими материала все самое необходимое, уметь применять на практике знания, которые должны быть активными и развивающимися.

При таком подходе знания студентов не являются конечной целью, а служат лишь средством их дальнейшего развития.

Особое значение для формирования у студентов потребности в самостоятельном овладении знаниями, умениями и навыками самообразования имеет учебно-методический комплекс (УМК). В связи с этим и началась разработка УМК «Английский язык для начинающих радиотехнического факультета и факультета информационных технологий»

как необходимого компонента системно-методического обеспечения процесса обучения, так называемого English for specific purpose для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей вузов.


Курс «Английский язык для начинающих радиотехнического факультета и факультета информационных технологий» рассчитан на часа практических занятий в течение двух семестров на первом курсе вузов согласно рабочей программе.

В ходе этого курса вы должны овладеть навыками чтения и понимания прочитанного на английском языке и должны уметь высказываться по любой теме, изученной в рамках курса, уметь поддержать беседу. Для овладения этими навыками вы должны усвоить около лексических единиц специальной терминологии.

Учебная программа построена на принципе блочно-модульного подхода, что предполагает тематическое членение материала, текущий контроль за качеством овладения материалом, акцентирование внимания на вопросах, вызывающих у студентов особые сложности, максимальную поддержку и помощь в процессе освоения материала.

Учебно-методический комплекс представляет следующие возможности и условия для обеспечения самостоятельной работы студентов:

– дается программа действий для самостоятельной работы студентов;

– осуществляется ориентация в материале курса в целом и в каждой его – осуществляется завершенность и этапность обучения;

– обеспечивается возможность постоянного и систематического контроля за качеством знаний и умений, приобретаемых студентом;

– вырабатываются навыки рациональной организации учебного – осуществляется индивидуализация обучения.

В структуру УМК помимо учебного плана, тестов и заданий для контроля, трех приложений, списка рекомендованной литературы, включены три модуля, которые организованны по тематическому принципу.

Каждый модуль состоит из элементов, которые в свою очередь представляют самостоятельный комплекс.

Модуль начинается нулевым учебным элементом (УЭ-0), служащим введением в модуль и обозначающим интегрирующую цель.

Заканчивается каждый модуль учебным элементом УЭ-последний (Progress Test), обеспечивающим итоговый контроль. Ключи для самоконтроля можно найти в конце УМК, в приложении 3 (Appendix 3).

Тематика и характер учебных материалов, представленных в УМК, обеспечивают формирование у студентов фонетических, лексических, грамматических навыков, социального и профессионального словаря, а также навыков чтения и говорения в рамках социальной и профессиональной тематики.

Пособие завершают полезные, как для учебного процесса, так и для практической работы, приложения:

Appendix 1: Supplementary Reading (для развития навыков чтения и перевода) Appendix 2: Irregular Verbs (список неправильных глаголов) Appendix 3: Keys (ключи к лексико-грамматическим тестам и упражнениям) Успехов в учебе! Good Luck!


Вводно-фонетический курс Алфавит. Звуковой ряд английского языка. Дифтонги. Артикуляция.

Буквосочетания гласных и согласных. Время. Дни недели. Месяцы.

Сфера социального общения Моя визитная карточка. Профессии. Хобби. Моя семья. Полоцкий государственный университет. Новополоцк/ Полоцк.

Сфера профессионального общения Что такое компьютер? Об истории развития компьютеров.

Компьютеры в повседневной жизни. Моя будущая специальность.


Программа предусматривает текущий контроль в форме письменных и устных тестов по всем видам речевой деятельности, один семестровый зачет и курсовой экзамен в письменной и устной форме.

Зачеты носят характер накопительного зачета, который предусматривает посещение 75-100% практических занятий и усвоение 95программного материала.

Экзамен включает письменную и устную формы тестирования, по результатам которого выставляется общая оценка.

Письменное тестирование:

Перевод текста со словарем.

Лексико-грамматический тест.

Устный экзамен:

Монологическое высказывание по одной из заданных в программе тем.

Чтение (без словаря) и пересказ текста по специальности.

Перечень тем, выносимых на экзамен для устного собеседования:

3) Novopolotsk/ Polotsk 6) The History of Computer Development 7) Computers in Everyday Life 1. Оценка перевода.

Удовлетворительный смысловые и терминологические искажения.

(рецептивно- Нарушается правильность передачи характерных репродуктивный) особенностей стиля переводимого текста.

Средний искажения смысла и терминологии. Не нарушается (репродуктивно- правильность передачи стиля переводимого текста.

Достаточный содержания. Отсутствуют терминологические (продуктивный, передача характерных особенностей стиля 2. Оценка понимания при чтении.

(рецептивный) Понимание 30% основных фактов и смысловых Удовлетворительный смысловых связей между ними.

репродуктивный) смысловых связей между ними.

продуктивный) Понимание всех основных фактов текста, 3. Оценка письменных тестов.

Шкала перевода в десятибалльную систему в соответствии с Приложением к постановлению Министерства образования РБ от 1.04.2004г. № Наименьшая положительная оценка – 4 балла – выставляется при правильном выполнении не менее 2/3 заданий. Отсутствие работы или отказ от выполнения соответствуют оценке 0 баллов.


УЭ – 1 Звуковой ряд английского языка. Алфавит.

УЭ – 2 Правила чтения гласных и согласных букв.

УЭ – 3 Правила чтения буквосочетаний гласных и УЭ – 4 Grammar: глагол to be в Present Simple. Артикль.

Множественное число существительных.

УЭ – 5 Местоимения. Предлоги места. Конструкция there УЭ – 6 The Time. Days of the Week. The Months Порядковые числительные. Повелительное наклонение.

УЭ – 1 Vocabulary About Yourself and Others.

УЭ – 2 Глагол to have (got) в Present Simple. Genitive Case.

УЭ – 3 Vocabulary Jobs. Word building. Present Simple.

УЭ – 4 Reading About My Family and Myself.

УЭ – 5 Present Continuous.

УЭ – 6 Degrees of Comparison.

УЭ – 7 Future Simple. Ways of expressing future plans.

УЭ – 8 Past Simple. Past Continuous.

УЭ – 9 Vocabulary Polotsk State University. Modal Verbs.

УЭ – 10 Vocabulary Novopolotsk/ Polotsk. Passive Voice.

УЭ – 11Progress Test УЭ – 1 Vocabulary Computers Today Participles УЭ – 2 Vocabulary On the History of Computer УЭ – 3 Vocabulary Computers in Everyday Life УЭ – 4 Vocabulary My Future Speciality УЭ – 5 Progress Test


- звуки английского языка 2. Использовать знания грамматики и общей - алфавит 2. Грамматика:

Глагол to be в Present Simple - артикли - множественное число существительных - местоимения - предлоги места - конструкцию there is/are - порядковые числительные - повелительное наклонение.

3. Лексика:

- время, дни недели, месяцы


Какое официальное название Великобритании?

а) Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии;

б) Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Ирландии;

в) Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Шотландии;

г) Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Уэльса.

Какие страны входят в состав Великобритании?

а) Англия, Уэльс, Ирландия, Шотландия;

б) Англия, Южный Уэльс, Ирландия, Шотландия;

в) Англия, Уэльс, Северная Ирландия, Шотландия;

г) Англия, Уэльс, Ирландия, Северная Шотландия;

Соедините страны и их растения-символы.

4) Соедините страны и их столицы.

5) Кто из этих знаменитых людей родом не из Великобритании?

6) Что из данных названий не является частью Лондона?

7) Сколько букв в английском алфавите?

8) Как называется резиденция главы государства в Великобритании?

а) Вестминстерское Аббатство;

б) Букингемский дворец;

9) Какой университет является самым большим в Великобритании?

10) Сколько палат входит в состав Британского Парламента?

Условно-открытый слог Слог оканчивается на согласную, за The Present Simple Tense В английском языке существуют значительные расхождения между написанием слова и его произношением. Таким образом, возникла система специальной записи звукового образа слова – фонетическая транскрипция.

Знание знаков транскрипции – это ключ к правильному чтению и произношению слова. Различают 44 звука, из них 20 гласных и согласных.

а) согласные [b] – как русский б [p] – как русский п, но с придыханием [v] – как русский в, но с прикусом нижней губы [f] – как ф, но с прикусом нижней губы [g] – как русский г [k] – как русский к [d] – как русский д, но кончик языка находится на альвеолах [t] – как русский т, но кончик языка находится на альвеолах – как русский ж, но немного мягче – как русский ш, но немного мягче [z] – как русский з [s] – как русский с – звонкий, межзубный (кончик языка находится между зубами) – глухой, межзубный (кончик языка находится между зубами) [t] – как белорусский ч – как белорусский дж (слитно) [m] – как русский м [n] – как русский н – носовой звук. При произнесении задняя стенка языка смыкается с опущенным мягким нбом, и воздух проходит через носовую полость [l] – как русский л, но кончик языка находится на альвеолах [r] – как русский р, но без вибрации [h] – выдох, напоминающий слабо произнеснный [х] [w] – звук [в], произнеснный с сильным округлением губ и их быстрым размыканием [j] – как русский й Гласные звуки бывают долгими и краткими. Долгота гласных обозначается двоеточием [:] – долгий и – краткий, открытый и [е] – э в словах этот, экий – более открытый, чем э [:] – долгий, глубокий а – краткий гласный, приближающийся к русскому а в словах варить, бранить – безударный гласный, напоминающий русский безударный гласный в слове: нужен [з:] – в русском отсутствует, средний между о и э – краткий, открытый о [:] – долгий о [u] – краткий у со слабым округлением губ – долгий у без сильного округления губ в) двугласные (дифтонги) – ои 1. Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds 2. Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds [:] and 3. Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds , [:] and 4. Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds and 5. Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds [e], and [з:] bed – bd – bз:d 6. Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds [:] and [з:] 7. Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds [з:] and [е] Read and compare. Pay attention to the difference between sounds and 9. Read the words with different sounds 10. Study and learn the English alphabet.


11. Spell the words.

Byte, large, computer, knowledge, programmer, button, family, grandfather, synthesis, software, hardware, symbol, husband, change, printer, inform, important, punch, select, copy, digit, instruct, parents, young, experiment, why, yesterday.

12. Read the transcription of the words and spell them. Pay attention to the amount of letters and sounds.

friend ought [:t] Три основных правила произношения английских слов:

1. Краткость или долгота гласных звуков в русском языке не влияет на смысл слова. В английском же языке долгота или краткость произнесенного гласного звука меняет смысл слова. Так, [ p] – корабль, а – овца.

2. В отличие от русского языка в английском языке согласные звуки не оглушаются в конце слова. Оглушение согласных отражается на смысле слова. Например: – сумка, – спина.

3. Гласная буква е в конце слова не читается. Чтение гласной буквы в английском языке зависит от ее положения в слове (ударное или неударное) и от типа слога (открытый или закрытый).

Чтение гласных букв а, е, i, о, и, у зависит от 1) типа слога, в котором они стоят 2) ударные они или безударные 3) от того, какие буквы стоят впереди или позади них Правила чтения гласных а, е, i, о, и, у в ударных и безударных слогах


Гласные открытый закрытый гласная+г гласная+r+e безударный 1. Read the words with letter a 2. Read the words with letter e 3. Read the words with letters i,y 4. Read the words with letter u 5. Read the words with letter o 6. Read the words and group them in four columns according to the types of stressed syllables Evening, morning, square, Rome, China, comrade, spring, summer, winter, duty, art, picture, try, enter, hurry, tired, wire, report, well, prepare, whole, return, scenery, difficult, department, combine, time, during, term, parents, hope, spoke, store.

1.Согласным буквам английского алфавита соответствуют следующие звуки:

2.Буква Jj читается как (Jill, jam), а Xx – как в конце слова и перед согласными (six, text, excuse) и как перед ударной гласной (exam, example).

3. Перед e, i, y буква Cc читается как [s] (city, centre, face), а Gg как (page, gym).Запомните слова, в которых g читается как [g]: give, get, begin. Во всех остальных случаях как [k] и [g] соответственно (cake, cut, cry, game, big, go).

4.В некоторых словах буква Hh не читается: hour, honour, exhibition, honest 5. Буква Ss читается как [s] в начале слова и после глухих согласных (seven, sky, hats), но как в следующих словах sugar, sure, а также как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных (pens, days, these, nose).

7. Read the words with letters Jj and Xx exact 8. Read the words with letters Cc and Gg 9. Read the words with letter Hh have, home, husband, honour, hour, hundred, honest, exhibition 10. Read the words with letter Ss see, sun, stop, maps, cats, these, sugar, stop, pass, days, bags, stand, reads, keeps 11. Match the words in part a) with their transcriptions in b).

a) pen, help, like, we, large, no, work, bag, bus, policeman, joke, wine, time, milk, plate, city, vine, yes, student, age, cup, garage, van, fine, carpet, stamp, tennis, electric, girl, sun, zip, remember, date.

, , , , , , , , , , , , [ , , , , , , [n], , , , , , , , , , .

словах Буквосочетание Произношение Пример 1. Read the words with consonant clusters.

Pack, luck, chess, children, watch, match, she, ship, fish, wish, catch, this, thin, myth, fifth, sing, thing, song, bank, link, drunk, tank, why, white, while, which, who, whom, write, wrong, wrote, knife, knob, knock, phrase, phase, night, bright, fight, might, design, black, check,pack, debt.

2. Put the words from exersice 1 in alphabatic order.

3. Write out the words in which letter s is read like [s], letter c is read like [s] and letter g - like [g].

Finds, vessel, list, space, climate, mice, cat, fence, scene, clean, pencil, chance, gate, gentle, give, girl, ago, register, gymnasium, guest, guide.

4. Write the words with the sound [k] out of the list.

Chemistry, technique, city, scheme, equipment, kitchen, know, Kate, clever, economic, centre, box, exam, cycle, car, scanner, except, success.

Правила чтения буквосочетаний гласных.

5. Write down the words in pairs with different spelling but the same pronunciation.

Our, meat, peace, cent, knew, too, sea, there, whole, fool, be, flower, week, their, see, two, new, sent, piece, meet, hole, full, hour, flour, weak, bee.

6. Practise reading the following words. Pay attention to vowel clusters.

Правила чтения буквосочетаний гласных и согласных.

франц. происхождения

s+ion decision, conclusion

7. Write the transcription for the highlighted letters and their clusters.

Russian, nature, catalogue, bold, mild, blind, quality, wash, call, branch, watch, grass, can‘t, furniture, television, question, small, walk, hold, mosque, mind, leisure, dialogue, operation, quick, profession, century, literature.

8. Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the pronunciation of consonant sounds.

1. Which is which?

2. Charlie doesn‘t know chalk from cheese.

3. Not much of a catch.

4. Goodness gracious!

5. You‘ve found elephant on the moon.

6. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

7. Conversation is a pleasure, but it wants leisure.

8. Little friends may prove great friends.

Read and memorize the words.

2. you – ты, вы; your – твой, 23.to be busy – быть занятым 11.university – университет 33.son – сын 20.to be – быть, находиться 42.thin – тонкий 2. Write down the transcribed words and then spell them.

, , , , , , , , , [ ju:n з ], , .

Study and learn the forms of the verb to be in the Present Simple Tense.

He/she/it is 4. Insert the necessary form of the verb to be.

Example: I a doctor. – I am a doctor.

10) This _ a green lamp.

13) My family not large.

14) They _ teachers.

16) She my little sister.

5. Make the sentences negative. Write down their full and short forms.

Example: They are at the University. – They are not at the University. They aren’t at the University.

6. Give short answers as in the example.

Example: Is it a dag? – Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

7. Put general questions to the sentences.

Example: He is in the park. – Is he in the park?

2) They are scientists.

9) They are at the university.

10) Her family isn‘t very large.

8. Make up short dialogues using the appropriate form of the verb to be.

Example: Jane / a singer? – No, / a doctor. – Is Jane a singer? – No, she is a doctor.

George / from the USA? – No, / from Scotland.

Julie and Mary / sisters? – No, / friends.

George and Michael Jones / from Spain? – No, / from Italy.

9. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences.

3. old / how / is / brother / your?

4. France / are / from / and / Brian / Bob?

5*. at / sisters / the / my / are / students / university.

10. Study the cardinal numbers and remember them.

Количественные числительные от 13 до 19 образуются от соответствующих числительных первого десятка прибавлением суффикса teen; six - six`teen и произносится с двумя ударениями. Числительные, обозначающие десятка, образуются от соответствующих числительных первого десятка путем прибавления суффикса -ty; six - sixty и произносятся с одним ударением.

11. Now practice and answer the questions:

2) How old is your brother/ sister?

12. Ask your group mates and your teacher about their age.

13. Read, count and write down the result.

e.g. 1 + 4 = 5 One and (plus) four is five.

10 – 3 = 7 Ten minus three is seven.

14. a) Read the telephone numbers.

b) Ask and answer the question with other students. Write a list.

-What‘s your telephone number?

15. Write about the people as it is given in the example.

Example: He’s Rafael Ramos. He’s from Mexico. He’s a doctor. He’s thirty.

16. Read about the Evans family and write a similar story about your family.

Paul Evans is a maths teacher. He‘s thirty-nine. He‘s at school now. His address is 34 King Street, Bristol.

His wife, Penny, is at work in her office. She‘s a bank manager. Her phone number at work is 8309771.

Mark and Jane are their children. Mark is ten and Jane is seven. They are at school.

17. Study and learn the rule.

Артикль является самым распространенным определителем существительного в английском языке. В русском языке артикль отсутствует.

В английском языке два артикля: неопределенный – а и определенный – the.

Неопределенный артикль имеет две формы: a, an. Форма а употребляется перед словами, начинающимся с согласной буквы, и произносится как звук – a desk. Форма an употребляется перед словами, начинающимся с гласной буквы, и произносится [n] – an end.

Неопределенный артикль употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе, следовательно, он является признаком единственного числа существительного. Неопределенный артикль имеет классифицирующее значение; он обозначает, что существительное, определяемое им, относится к классу предметов, является одним из подобного рода предметов. Например: Paul is a teacher.

Определенный артикль the произносится перед словами, начинающимися с согласной буквы – the lake, и перед словами, начинающимися с гласной – the end.

Определенный артикль, в отличие от неопределенного, употребляется с именами существительными как в единственном, так и во множественном числе. Он указывает на то, что 1) предмет (или лицо) является выделенным из всех лиц (или предметов) данного класса, известных собеседнику, или что 2) лицо (или предмет) упоминалось раньше.

Например: It‘s a teacher. The teacher is clever. It‘s a lake. The lake is deep.

Артикль является, как указывалось, признаком существительного, служебным словом. Он произносится всегда без ударения, слитно со следующим за ним словом. Например, a tent ["tent], the text [ "tekst].

18. Study the following table.

1. С существительными 1. С существительными 1. С неисчисляемыми в единственном числе в единственном или во существительными (если упоминается в множественном числе I need sugar and milk for A dog is a clever animal.

Tom has (got) a pen.

3. В ряде устоявшихся (единственных в своем притяжательное торопиться, it‘s a pity – – небо, the moon – луна, 4. С географичеcкими жаль, to tell a lie – врать, the earth – земля, the названиями (города, 19. Put a or an.

20. Put the article where necessary.

1) This is …………….. egg.

2) Where is............. Tom? He is in............park.

3) He is …….. engineer.

4)............sun is very hot today.

5)...........Paris is......... capital of............France.

6)..........my friend............Ted is from......... USA.

7) What is this? This is............hat.

8)..........Mr. Jones has got............new office.

9)............cities are big.

10)............woman in blue dress is..........my Aunt Mary.

11).........Indian Ocean is warm.

12).............London is on...........river Thames.

13)...........Claire is from...........Irish Republic.

16) Jenny is............actress.

Множественное число существительных Особые случаи образования множественного числа существительных 22. Read the nouns in plural. Pay attention to their endings.

Pens, trees, institutes, brushes, teachers, pages, factories, boys, wives, windows, cards, faces, computers, families, houses, knives, inches 23. Group the nouns in plural according to the rules of reading of their Towns, students, dresses, offices, capitals, maps, matches, desks, friends, bushes, branches, buses, farms, foxes, weeks, stages 24. Write plurals from the following nouns. Pay attention to the adding of (e)s.

City, photo, lady, leaf, tomato, university, life, faculty, piano, bookshelf, half, academy, zero, radio.

25. Write plurals from the following nouns. Consult the dictionary if necessary.

a) child, ox, goose, woman, foot, man, tooth;

b) crisis, stimulus, basis, curriculum, axis, matrix, spectrum, datum, radius, phenomenon 26. Put sentences into plural making necessary changes.

1) The boy is a student.

2) The girl is from China.

4) The lady is very nice.

5) The car is in the street.

6) The flower is in the vase.

7) The book is on the shelf.

8) The wolf is big and grey.

9) The child is in the bedroom.

27. Put the nouns in brackets into plural (if necessary).

1. These are her three (child).

2. Their (wife) are very busy.

3. My (pet) are two grey (goose), a (rabbit), three white (mouse) and four (kitten).

4. The (student) of our group are good (sportsman).

5. Hide (прячьте) (knife) and (match) from the (child).

6. We need (нам нужно) (tomato) and (cucumber) for salad.

7. I am 18 (year) old.

28. Correct the mistakes (if any).

1) The childs are in the garden.

2) These mens are drivers.

3) The dogz are very clever.

6) Five lades are absent.

24.red – красный 2. Read the transcriptions and write down these words.

Ans…er, diffic…lt, str…t, b…tiful, ph…sicist, seri…s, n…r, h…re, engine…r, ch…r, sc…ntist, ma…imati..ian, d…r,...sy.

4. Match English words with their Russian equivalents.

1. mathematician 2. difficult 6. beautiful 12.street 5. Study and learn the rule.

Указательные местоимения употребляются для указания на близлежащее или отдаленное предмет или лицо. Указательные местоимения имеют отдельные формы для единственного числа this – это, эта, это, that – тот, та, то, и множественного числа these – эти, those – те.

Указательные местоимения могут выполнять в предложении функции That is a pencil. – То карандаш.

This flat is big. – Эта квартира большая.

That picture is nice. – Та картина красивая.

Если перед существительным стоит указательное местоимение, то артикль не употребляется.

Если существительному предшествуют другие определения, указательное местоимение ставится перед ними.

Указательные местоимения в функции подлежащего, как правило, являются ударными, а в функции определения – безударными.

Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no.

Местоимения some и any имеют значение несколько, какие-нибудь, немного и употребляются с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и с неисчисляемыми существительными. C последними эти местоимения не переводятся на русский язык.

There are some tables there.

Give me some paper.

Местоимение some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях, местоимение any – в отрицательных и вопросительных.

There are some letters on the desk.

Are there any letters for me?

There isn‘t any tea in the cup.

Аny в утвердительном предложении означает любой.

Местоимение no означает отрицание. В предложении с этим местоимением сказуемое стоит в утвердительной форме, т.к. в английском языке может быть только одно отрицание.

There is no tea in the cup.

Если перед существительным стоит местоимение some, any или no, то артикль не употребляется.

6. Insert the appropriate pronoun this, that, these or those.

….. books there are from Uncle George.

6)...dogs there are very clever.

….. animals here are white mice.

….. animals there are grey cats.

7. Choose the correct pronoun.

1) Are (this/these) your books?

2) Who are (this/those) people?

3) (That/Those) men are mechanics.

4) Is (that / those) your sister"s bike?

5) (This / These) are my friends Kevin and Bill.

6) Are (that / those) pictures a birthday present from your aunt?

7) (These / this) is my bed.

8) (That / those) are his magazines.

9) This is an apple and (those / that) are oranges.

8. Make up dialogues as in the example using the given words either in singular or in plural.

Cup, mathematician, scientist, street, cake, flat, lake, pencil, pen, theatre, sea, chair, table, plate.

9. Ask questions about the qualities of various objects.

Example: tie/ black/ red 1) Hat/ white/ black 2) Cake/ awful/ tasty 3) Table/ small/ big 4) Sea/ black/ blue 5) Rooms/ small/ large 6) Book/ serious/ funny 7) Park/ green/ gloomy 8) People/ mathematicians/ physicists 10. Add some information to the following statements. Use the words given below.

-These are his friends.

1. These are articles. 2. These are my plans. 3. These are trees. 4. These are my pictures. 5. These are cups. 6. These are their answers. 7. These are her sons. 8. These are their parents. 9. These are parks. 10. These are hats.

difficult, green, serious, lovely, nice, correct, red, big, large, black.

11. Study and learn the prepositions of place.

Предлоги места делятся на простые и производные. Простые предлоги места – in, on, at, by, under, above, inside, behind и др.


Производные предлоги in front of (впереди, перед), in the middle of (в середине), at the back of (за, позади), on the top of (на верху), away from (вдали от) и др. Представляют собой группы устойчивых сочетаний предлога или нескольких предлогов с существительным, прилагательным или наречием.

The table is in the middle of the kitchen.

Как простые, так и производные предлоги ставятся перед существительным, а если оно употребляется с артиклем – то перед артиклем, и произносятся без ударения.

12. Study and learn the rule.

Предложения с конструкцией there is/are употребляется как указания на наличие или отсутствие какого-либо лица или предмета в определенном месте. Тhere в предложении является формальным подлежащим.

На русский язык оборот there is/are переводится словами имеется, находится, лежит или не переводится вовсе. Перевод соответствующих предложения начинается с обстоятельства места.

There is a large blackboard in the classroom.

(имеется) большая доска.

После оборота there is/are исчисляемое существительное в единственном числе употребляется с неопределенным артиклем, а неисчисляемое – с местоимением some. Исчисляемые существительные во множественном числе употребляются без артикля или с местоимением some в утвердительных предложениях и any в вопросительных и отрицательных.

There are children in the kitchen.

There are some mistakes in your test.

работе есть ошибки.

В вопросительных предложениях глагол is/are ставится перед there.

Is there a park near the theatre? – Yes, there is. Около театра есть парк? – Да.

Is there any milk in the fridge? – No, there isn‘t. В холодильнике есть молоко? – Нет.

13. Put in the appropriate form of the verb to be and translate the sentences paying attention to the word order.

1. There … chairs at the table. 2. There … a book on the shelf. 3. There … green trees in the park. 4. There … some children in the kitchen. 5. There … some sugar in my tea. 6. There … no cat in this room. 7. There … a dog under the table. 8. There … a garden at the back of the house. 9. There … some ducks in the middle of the lake.

14. Put in some, any, no.

1. There are … pictures in the book. 2. Are there … new students in your group? 3. There are … old houses in our street. 4. Are there … English textbooks on the desk? – Yes, there are …. 5. Are there … maps on the walls? – No, there aren‘t …. 6. Are there … pens on the desk? – Yes, there are …. 7.

There are … beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them. 8. There is … ink in my pen: I cannot* write. 9. Is there … paper on your table? 10. It is winter.

There are … leaves on the trees.

*cannot – отрицательная форма модального глагола can – мочь, уметь.

15. Ask general questions to the sentences and give short answers.

Example: There is a park in the city. – Is there a park in the city? – Yes, 1. There is a cup on the table. 2. There is much fish in the lake. 3. There are some people in the street. 4. There are some tables in the flat. 5. There are many pages in this magazine. 6. There is a flower in the vase.

16. Make the sentences from the previous exercise negative.

17. Ask questions and give answers as in the example.

Example: on the table/ a plate -What‘s there on the table? – There is a plate on the table.

1. in the street/ a car; 2. on the shelf/ a TV set; 3. in the park/ trees; 4. in the cup/ tea; 5. on the kitchen table/ bread; 6. in the lake/ fish; 7. in the bag/ books; 8. in the centre of the city/ park; 8. in the university/ library; 9. in the test/ mistakes.

18. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. В центре комнаты есть стол. 2. Это твои родители? 3. Что на полке? 4. Там большое озеро. 5. Папа моего друга математик. Он очень серьезный. 6. Парк рядом с театром? 7. За домом есть гараж? 8. На вашей улице есть кафе? 9. Задание правильное? – Да. 10. Что в центре города? – В центре города театр.

1. Read and memorize the words and expressions.

2. Read the transcriptions and write down these words.

, , , [з 3. Spell and transcribe the following words.

Week, where, which, who, February, half, quarter, Monday, birthday, floor.

Количественные числительные от 100 и далее Количественные числительные от 100 до 900 образуются от соответствующих числительных первого десятка прибавлением слова hundred (сотня). В английском языке между сотнями и десятками употребляется слово and:

100 – a (one) hundred 101 – a (one) hundred and one 200 – two hundred 236 – two hundred and thirty-six Аналогичным образом образуются тысячи, миллионы и т.д.

1000 – a (one) thousand 1001 – a (one) thousand one 3,330 – three thousand three hundred and thirty 2,000,000 – two million Обратите внимание, что числительные hundred, thousand, million не принимают окончание –s, когда перед ними стоит другое числительное.

Если эти числительные обозначают неопределенное количество, они употребляются во множественном числе с окончанием –s, за которым следует предлог of:

hundreds of sportsmen – сотни спортсменов thousands of people – тысячи людей millions of books – миллионы книг Порядковые числительные, начиная с числительного 4 (four) образуются с помощью суффикса –th и употребляются с определенным артиклем.

28th – the twenty-eighth 100th – the hundredth 1000th – the thousandth Исключения!

1st – the first 2nd – the second 3rd – the third [з:d] Для обозначения номеров домов, комнат, транспорта, страниц, глав употребляются не порядковые, а количественные числительные.

Существительные в этих случаях употребляются без артикля: house 5, flat 75, bus 10, page 83, chapter 6.

5. Read the following words.

a) cardinal numbers 1; 2; 11; 12; 13; 27; 69; 248; 1000; 1,008; 1,096; 2,355; 3,579;

b) ordinal numerals 17; 20; 24; 149; 83; 56; 150; 176; 209; 1,324;

6. Write down ordinal numerals of the following cardinal numbers.

Example: 5 – the fifth 33, 74, 31, 13, 9, 55, 76, 17, 28, 43, 82, 91, 62, 20, 10, 101, 242, 1056, 2833.

8. Answer the following questions.

2) How old are your parents?

3) How old is your sister/ brother?

What‘s the number of your flat/room?

10. Study the menu and name the prices.

Example: Pizza is three pounds seventy-five (3.75).

Hamburger & chips Chicken & chips Tuna & egg salad Pizza Ice-cream Chocolate cake Coffee 11. Study and learn the rule.

Годы в английском языке обозначаются количественными числительными. Слово year после указанного года не употребляется, но возможно употребление фразы in the year перед указываемым годом.

Числительное, обозначающее год, разбивается на две части – сначала произносится число сотен, а затем – число десятков и единиц.

1903 – nineteen three (в официальном языке nineteen hundred and in the year 1991 (nineteen ninety-one) Даты читаются следующим образом:

12. Read the following words.

1975, 1982, 2990, 2991, 2000, 2001, 2010, 2500, 2903.

13. Write the following dates in numbers.

a) the tenth of February nineteen seventy-two, the fifth of April nineteen seventy-five, the second of May nineteen five, the first of June nineteen b) in (the year) nineteen forty-seven, in (the year) nineteen hundred and seventy-one, in (the year) eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.

14. Say it in English.

1 сентября 1984 года, 7 ноября 1990 года, 9 октября 1947 года, марта 1951 года, 5 июля 1945 года, 8 мая 1963 года, 21 января 1824 года, декабря 1762 года, 22 апреля 1907 года, 27 июля 2004 года, 10 февраля 1300 года.

15. Study and learn the rule.

Русскому вопросу Который час? В английском языке соответствует What is the time? или What time is it? Ответ: It is 7 (oclock). Семь часов.

При обозначении времени, если минутная стрелка часов находится в первой половине циферблата, употребляется предлог past (после), в левой половине – предлог to (до, к). Например:

Its 6 oclock (sharp) – Шесть часов (ровно).

Its twenty minutes past one. – Двадцать минут второго.

Its twenty minutes to eleven. – Без двадцати одиннадцать.

Также употребляются слова half (половина) и quarter (четверть).

Слово half употребляется без артикля. Например:

Its half past two. – Половина третьего.

Слово quarter употребляется с артиклем. Например:

Its a quarter to twelve. – Без четверти двенадцать.

Запомните следующие выражения, употребляемые в разговоре о времени:

My watch is slow. – Мои часы отстают.

My watch is 5 minutes fast. – Мои часы спешат на 5 минут.

My watch doesnt keep the right time. – Мои часы идут неточно.

My watch is wrong. – Мои часы идут неверно.

Its 5 minutes past two by my watch. – На моих часах 5 минут третьего.

В современной английской разговорной речи имеет место тенденция единой структуры обозначения времени независимо от положения минутной стрелки на левой или правой половине циферблата. Например:

Аналогичная форма употребляется для обозначения времени маршрутов транспорта. Например:

The 9:45 train to Glasgo. – Поезд, следующий в Глазго, отправляется в 9:45.

Словосочетания в 5 часов, в половине третьего и т.п. употребляются с предлогом at: at 5 oclock, at half past two.

in summer (поры года) on a summer night at Easter/ Christmas 16. Read the time in different ways.

a) 07:15, 05:49, 13:21, 01:30, 08:45, 16:44, 22: b) Ask your friend about the time.

17.Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions of time.

18. Read the dialogues.

- Excuse me. Tell me, please. What‘s the time?

- It‘s twenty minutes past four.

- Thank you very much.

- Not at all.

19. Make up a similar dialogue.

20. Answer the following questions.

When is the first day of spring (Victory Day, New Year‘s Day, Christmas, Women‘s Day, Independence Day)?

2) When is your birthday?

7) What are spring (summer, autumn, winter) months?

21. Study and learn the rule.

Повелительное предложение служит для побуждения собеседника к действию. Оно выражает приказание, просьбу, совет, и т.п., обращенные либо к собеседнику, либо к третьему лицу, и имеет две формы:

утвердительную и отрицательную.

Утвердительная форма повелительного предложения образуется при помощи неопределенной формы смыслового глагола без частицы to.

Повелительное предложение начинается со сказуемого.

Отрицательная форма повелительного предложения образуется с помощью глагола do, отрицания not и смыслового глагола в инфинитиве без частицы to. (Сокращенная форма do not – don‘t).

22. Match the following English sentences in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the left one.

1. Keep it.

2. Pack it.

3. Check it.

4. Finish it.

5. Begin it.

6. Teach me.

7. Change it.

8. Listen to me.

9. Send it to him.

10. Speak English 23. Give instructions to your friend Example: Begin lesson 9.

To send a letter, to sit still, to visit Jack, to meet my chief, to begin again, to say it again, to take it back, to finish lesson ten, to begin text 8, to read the article again.

24. Ask your friend.

Example: Finish text 7, please.

To visit you again, to check it, to listen to you, to send it back, to speak English, to give it to you, to say it again, to take it back, to meet you at ten.

25. Make the sentences negative.

Example: Don‘t finish lesson 9.

Finish lesson nine. Begin text eleven. Check it again, please. Give it to me, please. Keep it. Speak Spanish, please. Say it again, please. Send it back.

Listen to me, please. Take it back.

26. Study the following conversational patterns. Pay attention to the intonation.

27. Act out the following dialogues.

1) - Give me those papers, please.

2) How do you do. My name is Dobson.

28. Choose the appropriate response to the utterances.

1. Give me those newspapers, please. 1. Fine, thanks.

2. How are you, Mrs. Collins? 2. Pardon, which ones?

3. Here‘s the firm‘s telephone number. 3. I am very sorry indeed.

4. You are ten minutes late, Jane. 4. Thank you.

5. It‘s late. It‘s time to leave. 5. Good night.

6. Meet our new colleague. This is Mr. 6. Sorry.

Cohl, a mathematician from Germany. 7. How do you do?.

8. Here is your cup of tea.

29. Read the following dialogues and learn one of them by heart.

1. Mr.Black: Hello, Brown. Glad to see you. How are you?

Mr. Brown: Hello, Bert. I am fine. Thank you. Let me introduce my Mrs. Davis: Nice to see you too, Mr. Ford. Good-bye.

Gentleman: Excuse me, is this Lark Street?

Gentleman: Thank you very much, madam.

30. Translate from Russian into English.

Сегодня вторник. Восемь тридцать утра. Мистер Грин в автобусе.

Извините, который час?

На моих часах восемь тридцать пять. Мои часы спешат.


Доброе утро, мистер Грин. Мы опаздываем на работу?

Доброе утро, мисс Браун. Нет, мы не опаздываем. У нас еще двадцать минут. Сейчас без двадцати девять.

Наша остановка. До свидания, мистер Грин.

До встречи, Хэлен.

Какой сегодня день недели? – Сегодня суббота.

Когда у тебя день Рождения? – Мой день Рождения весной.

Выучите его номер телефона.

Слушайте своих родителей.

Не пишите на столе.


1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. floor 2. listen 3. keep 4. difficult 5. sister 6. beautiful 7. child 8. scientist 9. flat 10. physicist 2. Put in the appropriate form of the verb to be.

2) Jack and Jill … my friends.

4) He … a pupil of the fifth form.

9) Simon … absent today.

3. Make the sentences negative.

3) Say it again, please.

4) Check the text again, please.

5) Send the letter back.

4. Write down the plural form of the following nouns.

Boy, glass, box, lady, woman, tooth, child, fish, money, life, fly, pencil, ox, cake, wife, roof.

5. Write general questions to the sentences.

1) There is a book on the shelf. 2) It is Wednesday today. 3) It‘s twenty minutes to five. 4) The knives are on the table. 5) My parents are scientists.


- глагол to have (got) в Present Simple. используя активную лексику и знания - притяжательный падеж существительных грамматики.

- Present Simple - Present Continuous - степени сравнения прилагательных Полоцке, используя активную лексику уроков.

- Future Simple. Способы выражения будущего времени - Past Simple. Past Continuous.

- модальные глаголы - страдательный залог 2. Лексика:

- активный словарь по темам «Моя семья», университет», «Новополоцк» / «Полоцк».

Профессии, хобби, описание внешности и характера; отделения и факультеты университета, материально-техническую базу ПГУ, социальную сферу ПГУ;

географическое положение Новополоцка / Полоцка, инфраструктуру города, достопримечательности, возможности времяпрепровождения.

При выполнении входного теста Part A выполняют те, кто в дальнейшем будет изучать тему Novopolotsk, и Part B для изучающих тему Polotsk.


1. The sister of my mother is my … 2. A person who has a wife or husband is … 3. The son of my uncle is my … 4. A person who works in a hospital is … 5. Which profession is mental?

6. What is the year of foundation of Polotsk State University?

7. How many faculties are there at PSU?

8. What is the largest department in our University?

9. How many hostels are there at PSU?

10. What is the year of foundation of Novopolotsk?

11. How many industrial enterprises are there in Novopolotsk?

12. What is the population of Novopolotsk?

13. What is the name of the central square of Novopolotsk?

14. What is the title of the film about Novopolotsk and its builders?

15. Who is the inventor of the radio?

1. The mother of my mother is my … 2. A person who has a wife or husband is … 3. The son of my grandfather is my … 4. A person who works in a hospital is … 5. Which profession is manual?

6. Who is the inventor of the radio?

7. What is the year of foundation of Polotsk?

8. How many industrial enterprises are there in Polotsk?

9. What is the population of Polotsk?

10. What is the name of the first printer?

11. How many faculties of PSU are there in a cadet corps?

12. What is the year of foundation of Polotsk State University?

13. How many faculties are there at PSU?

14. What is the largest department in our University?

15. How many hostels are there at PSU?

The Present Continuous Tense Genitive (Possessive) Case The Future Simple Tense The Past Simple Tense The Past Continuous Tense Modal Verbs Passive Voice Active Voice 1. Read and memorize the words.

7) to be single/married – быть 17) wife – жена 9) to understand – понимать 20) address – адрес 14) nationality – национальность 24) cheap – дешвый 15) boyfriend/girlfriend – парень/ 25) subway – метро 16) husband – муж Countries:

Argentina [ Belarus – Беларусь Great Britain Russia – Россия France – Франция Canada – Канада Japan – Япония Norway – Греция 2. Read the transcriptions and write down these words.

3. Insert the omitted letters.

To…n, c…ntry, nat…nality, boyfr…nd, fav…rite, ch…p, j…rnalist, …nt, a…ress, ex…iting, Gr…t Brit…n, Sp…n, I…land, Gr…ce.

4. Study the identity card and complete the questions.

Surname First name Country Job Address Phone number Age Married?

What‘s her surname?

3) Where _ she from? London, England.

6) _ _ phone number? 020 8863 5741.

5. Ask and answer general questions about Keesha.

Example: American/ French/ English?

2) eighteen/ twenty-one/ twenty-eight?

3) Addison/ Binchey/ Anderson?

6. a) Ask your group mate some questions.

- What‘s your address? – 42, Molodjozhnaja street, Novopolotsk, Make up some more questions.

b) Tell the class about one of your group mates.

7. Make the true sentences with the verb to be.

Example: I‘m not at home.

My grand-mother … seventy-five years old.

Marcus and Carlos … my brothers.

We … in the coffee bar. We … in the classroom.

8. Choose the correct sentence.

2. a) I is twenty-four years old.

b) I‘m twenty-four years old.

9. Match the questions and answers.

10. Study the table, complete it and make stories according to the example. Translate unknown words using dictionary.

8. You 9. Your friend 10. Your sister/ Example: Harry Smith is 32 years old. He is from Canada. He is a 11. Answer the questions about you.

12. Write true answers.

Example: Are you English? – No, I am not.

1) Are you a student? – _.

2) Is your teacher married? – _.

3) Is it hot today? –.

Is English difficult? – _.

Are you twenty-one years old? –.

Are your parents at home? –.

13. Dorita is an English student. Read her letter to Miguel, her brother in Argentina.

Dear Miguel, How are you? I‘m fine. Here‘s a letter in English. It‘s good practice for you and me!

I have classes in English at La Guardia Community College. I‘m in a class with eight students. They‘re all from different countries: Japan, Spain, Norway, Poland and Italy. Our teacher‘s name is Isabel. She‘s very nice and a very good teacher.

I live with two American girls, Annie and Marnie Kass. They are sisters.

Annie‘s twenty years old and she‘s a dancer. Marnie‘s eighteen and she‘s a student. They‘re very friendly, but it isn‘t easy to understand them. They speak very fast!

New York is very big, very exciting but very expensive! The subway isn‘t difficult to use and it‘s cheap. I‘m very happy here.

14. Correct the false sentences.

Example: She‘s in Miami. – No, she isnt. Shes in New York.

1) Dorita is from Argentina.

Dorita‘s happy in New York.

5) The students in her class are all from South America.

6) Annie and Marnie are both students.

7) The subway is easy to use.

15. Write a letter about your class.

1. Study and learn the rule.

Притяжательный падеж существительных В отличие от русского языка в английском имеется лишь два падежа:

общий (the common case) и притяжательный (the possessive case).

Существительные в общем падеже не имеют никаких окончаний.

Притяжательный падеж обозначает принадлежность предмета комулибо и употребляется преимущественно с одушевлнными существительными и именами собственными. Существительное в притяжательном падеже является определением следующего за ним существительного и отвечает на вопросы чей? чья? чь? В русском языке ему соответствует существительное в родительном или притяжательном падеже.

Притяжательный падеж существительных в единственном числе образуется путм прибавления к существительному окончания –s. При этом –s произносится по тем же правилам, что и окончание –s множественного числа существительных. Когда два и более лица обладают одним предметом, окончание притяжательного падежа –s употребляется только с последним существительным. Форма притяжательного падежа множественного числа образуется путм прибавления апострофа () после слова во множественном числе, причм в произношении никакого звука не добавляется.

Слова, образующие множественное число не по общему правилу, принимают в притяжательном падеже –s.

Kate Jane George Мн. число Sid and Nick Sid and Nick‘s sister – сестра Сида и Ника students children Идея принадлежности для неодушевлнных предметов выражается, как правило, существительным в общем падеже с предлогом of, например, the legs of the table – ножки стола. В то же время ряд неодушевлнных существительных могут образовывать притяжательный падеж путм прибавления –s. Эта форма распространяется на существительные, обозначающие:

a) отрезки времени и расстояние, yesterday‘s news – вчерашние новости, today‘s menu – сегодняшнее меню, a mile‘s distance – расстояние в милю, an hour‘s rest – часовой отдых.

b) названия стран, городов, судов, самолтов: Britain‘s industry – промышленность Великобритании, Moscow‘s underground – московское метро.

c) вес, стоимость, место a kilo‘s weight – килограммовый вес, at the baker‘s – в булочной, a ten dollars‘ note – десятидолларовая купюра.

d)со словами country – страна, city – большой город, town – городок, nature – природа, the world – мир, the moon – луна, the earth – земля, the sea – море, the ocean – океан: the town‘s park, the world‘s first satellite – первый мировой спутник.

В то же время отношения принадлежности могут быть выражены с помощью оборота с предлогом of с одушевлнными существительными, кроме имн собственных. Например, me sister‘s book = the book of my sister, this year‘s events – the events of this year – события этого года; но: Ann‘s book, Peter‘s friend.

2. Read and translate into Russian.

Eve‘s child, Mr. the teacher‘s table, the schoolchildren‘s meeting, Fox‘s farm, Jack‘s sister, Dickens‘s work, my father‘s name, my friend‘s profession, families, our parents‘ flat, the librarians‘ holidays, India‘s economy.

3. Answer the following questions using possessive case according to the model.

Example: Whose bag is it? (Peter’s) Student: It’s – Peter’s bag.

1. Whose plan is it? (Sam‘s) 2. Whose text is it? (Jim‘s) 3. Whose picture is it?

(Emma‘s) 4. Whose hat is it? (Ann‘s) 5. Whose teacher is she? (Kate‘s) 6.

Whose chief is he? (Jean‘s) 7. Whose sister is she? (Sheila‘s) 8. Whose typist is she? (my chief‘s) 9. Whose son is he? (my sister‘s) 4. Replace the nouns with prepositions by nouns in the possessive case where possible.

Example: The mother of the children – the children’s mother.

The textbook of the students, the name of my wife, the office of the newspaper, the computer of this engineer, the husband of my sister, the department of our Institute, the medal of this dog, the rivers of my country, the system of this computer.

5. Put the nouns in brackets into the possessive case.

2) Are the (boys) coats in the room?

3) (Mrs. Brown) new dress is blue.

4) The (men) work is good.

5) That brown house is (Mr. Smith).

6) (Leaves) tree are big and green.

7) The (students) papers are on the desk.

8) The yellow book is (Dan).

9) (The children) toys are on the floor.

10) (Tom) brother is our friend.

11) (Mr. Williams) son is from Leeds.

12) The two (men) office is on the ground floor.

14) (Edward) English is good.

16) (The teachers) room is on the second floor.

18) (Betty) brother is (Martha) husband.

6. Make up sentences, using possessive case.

1) (house – roof) is very high.

2) (front – building) is beautiful.

3) (coats – girls) are new.

4) Tom is (Jack – friend).

5) These are (student – notebooks).

6) Those are (pupils – copybooks).

7) (cover – book) is good.

8) (top – desk) is dirty.

9) (John – car) is in (garage – Mr. Smith).

7. Choose the correct variant.

1) These are (ladies‘s / ladies‘) bags.

2) The (policemen‘ / policemen‘s) uniform is blue.

3) (The car of my friend / my friend‘s car) is new.

4) This is (Peter‘s / Peters‘) hamster.

(The kitchen‘s window / the window of the kitchen) is clean.

6) (Miss‘s Brown‘s / Miss Brown‘s) bag is small.

7) These are (Sandy‘s and Susan‘s / Sandy and Susan‘s) bikes.

8) (Helen‘s and Sam‘s / Helen and Sam"s) daughter is married.

9) (Children‘ / children‘s) books are on the desks.

10) (The flowers‘ smell / the smell of the flowers) is nice.

8. Study the following table and make up sentences according to the model.

Example: Andrew’s favourite food is pizza.

9. Look at the picture and then put the correct words in the sentences.

a) Bill is Vera‘s_, so of course she‘s Bill‘s _.

b) Bill and Vera have two _ Ray and Kate.

c) Ray and Amy have a_, Jill and a_, Joe.

d) Joe is Jill‘s and Jill is Joe‘s _.

e) Di and Don‘s _ are Kate and Bob.

f) Jill and Joe are Di and Don‘s_.

g) Bob is Jill and Joe‘s_. Kate is their _.

h) Jill is the _ of Kate and Bob. Joe is their _.

10. Instructions as above.

father-in-law granddaughter sister-in-law grandchildren grandmother Model: Bill is Don’s Di is Vera’s (a) Bill and Vera have four _, Joe, Jill, Di and Don.

(b) Bill and Vera are the _ Joe, Jill, Di and Don.

(c) Don is Bill‘s. Bill is Don‘s _.

(d) Vera is Di‘s_. Di is Vera‘s _.

(e) Amy isn‘t the daughter of Bill and Vera. She‘s their _.

(f) Bill is Amy‘s_and Vera is her_.

(g) Kate isn‘t Amy‘s real sister. She‘s her_.

(h) Bob is Ray‘s_and he‘s the _ of Bill and Vera.

11. Give the following relationships.

Model: Ray and Di = uncle and niece (a) Di and Don (b) Bob and Di (c) Vera and Ray (d) Don and Joe (e) Kate and Jill (f) Ray and Don (g) Bill and Bob (h) Bob and Kate (i) Bob and Ray (j) Vera and Don (k) Bill and Jill (I) Vera and Amy 12. Translate from Russian into English.

имя моего брата, профессия его отца, родители ее друзей, сын инженера, учителя моей сестры, парки этого города, озера Англии, температура солнца, окна комнаты, книги нашей библиотеки, аудитории института, студенты нашего факультета.

13. Study and learn the rule.

Глагол to have (got) в настоящем неопределенном времени Глагол to have употребляется как смысловой, так и вспомогательный. В качестве смыслового глагола to have (в разговорной речи to have got) имеет значение владения, обладания чем-либо и соответствует русскому У меня (него, не и т.д.) есть. Например, I have (got) a brother. – У меня есть брат.

Формы глагола to have (got) в Present Simple Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы Кроме того, отрицательная и вопросительная формы в предложениях с глаголом to have могут образовываться с помощью вспомогательных глаголов do/does и только с помощью этих глаголов, если to have входит в состав устойчивых глагольных сочетаний: to have meals (breakfast / dinner/ supper) – есть (завтракать, обедать, ужинать), to have tea /coffee – пить чай/ кофе, to have classes - заниматься, to have a headache – испытывать головную боль, to have a good time – хорошо проводить время, to have a rest - отдыхать, to have a holiday – быть в отпуске, to have a bath/shower – принимать ванну/душ и т.д.

Отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма Краткие ответы Choose the correct form (have (got) – has (got)).

1) He........... new shoes.

2) They............two books.

3) John............ a pen.

4) I...........a new dress.

5) She............ two brothers and a sister.

6) Jack and Mary............a car.

7) We........... many friends.

8) Mr. Smith.............a big family.

9) Mr. and Mrs. Brown......... a new house in the city.

10) David and Simon........... a video camera.

15. Make up questions and negatives to the following sentences.

2) They have got a new flat.

3) Mr Green has got a big black car.

4) Kevin has got a beautiful garden near his house.

5) Richard has got a pet.

6) Michael and Sam have got three cousins.

7) We have a good time here.

8) I have a rest after work.

9) Nina has a shower every morning.

16. Make up sentences using the model.

1) Mr. White

2) The Browns

3) Tom Canty

4) Kevin

1) Have Jane and Sally got a house? - No, they haven’t. But they have got a 2)

17. Make up questions to the following answers.

She............. a sister? – No, she................

You...............a telephone? – Yes, I..........

1. Read and memorize the words.

32. to graduate (from) University – 34. own – собственный заканчивать университет 2. Find the appropriate English equivalents of the following Russian words:

1) покидать a) to like; b) to learn; c) to leave; d) to live 2) собственный a) young; b)own; c) one d) only 3) продавать a) sell; b) sail; c)salt; d) smell 4) пить a) to drill; b) to drink; c) to drive; d) to sink 5) получать a) to get up; b) to get dressed c) to get d) to get back 6) вставать a) to get up; b) to get dressed c) to get d) to get back 7) держать a) to kill; b) to pick; c) to keep; d) to kick 8) изучать a) to study; b) to stand; c) to steel; d) to sing 9) одеваться a) to get tired; b) to get dark; c) to get dressed; d) to get old 10) заканчивать a) to finish; b) to study; c) to learn; d) to graduate учбу 11) как часто a) How often; b) How many; c)How much; d) How old 3. Find the odd one out.

1. a) a nurse b)a field c) a hospital d) a patient 2. a) a factory b) a plant c) a carpenter d) a bank 3. a) a waitress b) a nurse c) a militiaman d) a housewife 4. a) a pensioner b) a housewife c) a child d) an accountant 5. a) an engineer b) a farmer c) a carpenter d) a plumber 4. Study and learn the rule.

Чтобы образовать новую часть речи, мы обычно используем суффиксы:

to work – worker (работать – рабочий) Суффиксы – er (or) служат для образования существительных, обозначающих профессию либо занятие.

5. Tell from which words the following nouns were formed. Translate them into Russian.

A builder, a writer, an operator, a speaker, a translator, a runner, a driver, a designer, a cleaner, a farmer, a pensioner, an owner.

6. Make up the names of professions from the following verbs.

7. Classify the jobs from Ex. 1 into manual (ручная) and mental (умственная), and into mens and womens.

8. Study and learn the following speech patterns.

My/ his/ her job is a(n) … What do you do? What does he/she do?

9. Study the following words and expressions. Then play the game.

Think of a profession. Describe it to other students using adjectives, tell them where you work but dont name the job, let them guess.

Example: My job is well-paid but boring. I work in a bank.

interesting/ boring – интересная/скучная mentally/ physically hard – умственно, физически тяжлая exciting – захватывающая well-paid/ badly paid – хорошо/плохо оплачиваемая to work at a factory/ at a plant / at school/ in an office/ in a hospital/ in a field/ in a shop/ in a restaurant/ in a company/ in a bank 10. Study and learn the rule.

Глагол в Present Simple выражает действие, которое происходит регулярно, постоянно, часто, повторяется или выражает общеизвестный факт. В этом значении настоящее простое время употребляется с обстоятельствами времени: every day(evening, morning), in the evening (morning), а также с наречиями времени:

always – всегда, usually – обычно, often – часто, seldom – редко, sometimes – иногда, regularly – регулярно, as a rule – как правило Кроме того, Present Simple употребляется для выражения запланированного будущего действия, особенно в расписаниях, распорядках (не личные планы).

Поезд отправится в 10.30.

Утвердительная Как видно из таблицы, утвердительная форма для всех лиц, кроме 3го лица единственного числа совпадает с формой инфинитива без частицы to.

Чтение глагола в 3-м лице единственного числа подчинено общим правилам чтения суффикса –s, –es.

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи глагола to do, который в данном случае утратил сво смысловое значение и играет роль вспомогательного глагола без частицы to. Вспомогательного глагол to do имеет единую форму для всех лиц (do) за исключением 3-го лица единственного числа (does).

Do you like tennis?

Where does she live?

When does he finish work?

В отрицательных предложениях глагол do (does) ставится после подлежащего, за ним следует частица not и смысловой глагол (без to). В doesnt.

соответствующем лице.

- Do you know him?

- Yes, I do.

- Does he live near here?

- No, he doesn‘t.

11. Write the he/she/it form of these verbs.

1 read reads...........4 listen

2 repair..................5 love

3 watch..................6 have

12. Open the brackets and put the verb into the Present Simple.

Underline time expressions.

1) I (to read) books every evening.

2) He (to help) his mother every day.

3) We usually (to go) to school on Saturdays.

4) She often (to visit) her grandmother.

5) My mother (to like) summer very much.

6) I (to clean) my teeth every morning.

7) He (to watch) TV every day.

8) We usually (to spend) holidays in Britain.

13. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Where is Jack‘s bike? – We......... (not know).

I think Mr. Smith plays tennis. – Oh, no. Mr. Smith............... (not play) Is this your magazine? – That‘s not my magazine. I........... (not read) Is this your comics? – No, I..............(not usually read) comics.

Is this Sally‘s guitar? – No, she.................(not play) the guitar. Her brother.............(play) the guitar.

Where‘s Susan? – At home. She............(not like) football. She...............

7) Have the Smiths got a camera? – Yes, but they................(not often take) 14. What do you do first in the day?

What do you do next?

Number the activities in the correct order for you:

have lunch have a shower go to work have breakfast start work go home get dressed have dinner watch television get up read a book go to bed leave home 15. Complete the sentences about Ruperts day. Use the correct form of the verbs.

1. Rupert gets up at seven o‘clock.

2. He ……………………………...

3. Then he ………………………..

4. He ………tea and toast for breakfast.

5. He …….. his flat at half past eight.

6. He …….to work by bus.

7. He works in a bookshop. He ……work at nine o‘clock.

8. At one o‘clock he ……. lunch in a small caf.

9. He leaves work at half past five and …… home.

10. First he………… dinner.

11. Then he ………… television.

12. He ……… to bed at eleven o‘clock and …………. a book.

16. Open the brackets and put the verb into the Present Simple.

Adam......(1. be) a young man from Bristol. He......(2. live) in a new big house near the city centre. He.......(3. be) a student at the university. He............

(4. study) History and Literature. Every day he......... (5. go) to the university by bus. He........... (6. have) many friends and they always.............(7. go) to the park on Sundays. In the evenings they sometimes........... (8. go) to the disco or to the cinema. Adam......(9. not like) going to the theatre. When he............(10.

come) home, he usually..........(11. have) small supper. After supper he............(12. listen) to the music or.............(13. watch) TV. Before going to bed he............ (14. read) a book.

17. Tell about your working day using expressions from Ex. 14 and text from Ex. 16.

18. Look at the table and make up sentences.

You Your friend 19. Look at the table and make up as many questions as possible.

20. Use the verbs in the list to make questions. Use the word(s) in brackets.

1. (he) Does he.....often.......play.......volleyball? Yes, he‘s a very good 2. (you) Excuse me

4. (your sister) What

6. (it) How often

8. (they) What time...............usually.......to bed? Yes, I love it.

9. (you) What...........usually........ for breakfast? 10 o‘clock.

10. (it) How much..............to stay at this hotel? Toast and coffee.

21. Make up questions to the following sentences.

22. Read the following texts. Pay attention to the words in bold, translate them using a dictionary if necessary.

My name is Alexander. My family and I live in Polotsk. My father is a doctor. He works in a town hospital. He cures sick people. He has got a lot of patients every day. My father‘s job is very difficult but he likes it. My mother works as an accountant in a bank. She keeps financial accounts. She works five days a week from 8 till 5. My elder brother is a businessman. He runs his own business. He sells computer software. I‘m a first-year student of Polotsk State University. I study at the Radio-Engineering Faculty. I am fond of computers.

After I graduate I want to be a programmer.

My name is Julia. I am from Glubokoe. I‘m a student now and I study and live in Novoplotsk. My family live in Glubokoe. I have got a father, a mother and younger sister. My father is a driver. He works at a milk factory. He drives a van. He delivers milk products to shops. My mother is a teacher at a primary school. Her job is difficult but she likes it. My sister is 12 years old. She is a pupil of the 6th form. She does well at school. I‘m a student of the RadioEngineering Faculty. I like to work with computers. I want to be a good specialist in computers and to work as an engineer.

23. Make up questions to the texts. Retell them.

24. Answer the following questions.

1) What is your name?

2) Where are you from?

3) Have you got a family? Is your family big?

4) What is your father? Where does he work?

5) Does he like his job?

6) What does your mother do? Where does she work?

7) Have you got any sisters or brothers?

9) Are you a student?

10) What university do you study at?

12) What do you want to do after you graduate?

1. Read and memorize the words.

11.blond – белокурый, светлый 29.cheerful – веселый 17.curly – кудрявый, вьющийся 34.polite – вежливый 26.well-built – крепкий; хорошо 42.to dislike – не нравится 28.calm – спокойный 2. Read the transcriptions and write down these words.

3. Match English words with their Russian equivalents.

1. hazel 2. to hate 3. strict 4. wavy 5. curly 6. to introduce 7. grey 8. to be fond of 9. appearance 10. shy 11. greedy 12. friendly 13. character 14. round 15. square 4. Answer the following questions.

1) What is the colour of your eyes?

2) What is the shape of your face?

3) What is your character?

4) Who do you take after by character: your father or your mother?

5. Study and learn the rule.

В английском языке существует пять основных типов вопросов:

общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный и вопрос к подлежащему. Для первых трех типов вопросов используется обратный порядок слов, т.е. вспомогательный глагол, подлежащее, смысловой глагол и дополнительные члены предложения.

Итак, как вы уже знаете, общий вопрос начинается с соответствующего времени сказуемого вспомогательного глагола и на него мы можем ответить лишь да или нет. Например:

Is this your book? – Yes, it is./ No, it isn‘t.

Do you go to the university by bus? – Yes, I do./ No, I don‘t.

Альтернативный вопрос задается так же как и общий, но предлагается выбор с использованием слова or (или). На данный вопрос дается полный ответ.

Do you go to the university by bus or by tram? – I go to the university by bus.

Специальный вопрос начинается с одного из вопросительных слов what, when, why, where, how, how much/ many, which и т.д. За вопросительным словом следует вспомогательный глагол. Например:

Where is your brother? – He is at school.

What is the colour of your favourite dress? – It‘s red.

Запомните смысловую разницу следующих вопросов:

Чтобы задать разделительный вопрос или вопрос с «хвостиком» мы к исходному повествовательному предложению прибавляем так называемый «хвостик», который состоит из вспомогательного глагола и местоимения, замещающего подлежащее.

Следует помнить, что если структура самого предложения утвердительная, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным и наоборот.

Разделительный вопрос, как правило, задается для того, чтобы получить подтверждение информации, заключенной в первой части предложения. Если вы уверены в утвердительном ответе, то вопрос произносится с нисходящим тоном. В таком случае вопрос часто служит для начала либо поддержания разговора. Когда вы не уверены в положительном ответе, он произносится с восходящим тоном.

Вопросительная часть данного вопроса переводится на русский язык словами не так ли?. Как правило, на данный вопрос мы отвечаем кратко.


It‘s a nice day, isn‘t it? Yes, it is. – Хороший день, не так ли? – Да.

They are mathematicians, aren‘t they? No, they aren‘t. – Они математики, не так ли? – Нет.

There aren‘t any theatres in this city, are there? No, there aren‘t. – В этом городе нет театров, не так ли? – Да.

He doesn‘t learn English, does he? No, he doesn‘t. – Он не учит английский, не так ли? – Да.

Вопрос к подлежащему начинается с вопросительного слова who (кто) или what (что), которые заменяют подлежащее повествовательного предложения при этом порядок слов остается прямым.


Who is absent today? – Lena is absent today. – Кто сегодня отсутствует? – Сегодня отсутствует Лена.

What is good for your health? – Sport is good for my health. – Что полезно для твоего здоровья? – Спорт полезен для моего здоровья.

6. Read, translate and name the type of the following questions. Try to answer them.

1) What do you want to eat?

2) Where do you live?

3) Am I right?

4) He takes after his father, doesn‘t he?

5) Who do you go to the university with?

6) Who is your best friend?

7) Where are you from?

8) Does your mother work?

9) Do you study at school or at the university?

10) What is your father like?

7. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

Example: What does your mother usually do in the kitchen in the morning? (cook/ breakfast).

She usually cooks breakfast in the morning.

1) What does your Granny usually do in the garden in the evening? (water/ 2) What does your friend usually do in the living room in the evening?

3) What do you usually do on Saturday evening? (go to the theatre).

4) What do the usually do at the stadium? (play different games).

5) What do Jim and Ted often do during their English lessons? (read, write and speak English).

6) What do you do every morning? (go to the university).

8. Make up questions from the words.

1) do, usually, when, do, they, their homework?

doesn‘t, to play tennis, like, who?

3) you, your group mates, like, do?

4) TV programmes, your father, what, does, like, to watch?

get up, does, at six, or, your mother, five o‘clock?

9. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to the words in bold.

Before I start talking about my family let me introduce myself. I am Lena Kuznetsova. I am 17. I am a first-year student of Polotsk State University. I am fond of reading and cooking. I am not married, I am single. I live in Novopolotsk together with my parents.

Our family is neither large nor small. It consists of four members: my father, my mother, my sister and me.

My father Sergej Petrovich is a businessman. He is 45 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short black hair. By character my father is a quiеt man. My mother Olga Ivanovna is 43. She doesn‘t work. She is a housewife.

She always has a lot of work to do about the house. She is not tall but she is slim with long fair hair. She is energetic, kind and talkative.

My sister‘s name is Sveta. She is 14. She is a pupil. She does well at school. Sveta likes reading books and dancing.

We also have a pet, a very clever cat. His name is Tom.

Our family is very united and we like to spend our free time together.

10. Answer the following questions.

1) What does Sveta do?

4) Is her family large?

5) What is her father name?

8) What is his character?

9) What does her mother do?

11) Has Sveta got any brothers or sisters?

11. To talk about interests and hobbies study the following information.

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Английский язык для студентов радиотехнических специальностей

А64 вузов: , др. - Мн.: БГУИР, 2006.− 213 с.

Учебное пособие направлено на формирование лексических навыков по тематике радиотехнического профиля, а также развитие навыков и умений чтения и говорения по специальности. Авторами учебного пособия соблюдены преемственность школьного и вузовского курсов, реализовано требование профессионально-ориентированного обучения.

В пособии имеется грамматический справочник, фонетический справочник и словарь общенаучной лексики.

Unit One ............................................................................................................5

Lesson 1 (5). Lesson 2 (8). Lesson 3 (10). Lesson 4 (11).

Unit Twо.........................................................................................................13

Lesson 1 (13). Lesson 2 (16). Lesson 3 (18). Lesson 4 (19).

Unit Three ....................................................................................................21

Lesson 1 (21). Lesson 2 (25). Lesson 3 (27). Lesson 4 (27).

Unit Fоur ........................................................................................................29

Lesson 1 (29). Lesson 2 (32). Lesson 3 (33). Lesson 4 (35).

Unit Five ........................................................................................................36

Lesson 1 (37). Lesson 2 (39). Lesson 3 (41). Lesson 4 (42).

Unit Six ..........................................................................................................43

Lesson 1 (44). Lesson 2 (47). Lesson 3 (48). Lesson 4 (50).

Unit Seven ................................................................................................52

Lesson 1 (52). Lesson 2 (54). Lesson 3 (56). Lesson 4 (58).

Unit Eight ...................................................................................................59

Lesson 1 (59). Lesson 2 (61). Lesson 3 (63). Lesson 4 (65).

Unit Nine ........................................................................................................67

Lesson 1 (67). Lesson 2 (69). Lesson 3 (71). Lesson 4 (73).

Unit Ten ...........................................................................................................74

Lesson 1 (74). Lesson 2 (76). Lesson 3 (79). Lesson 4 (80).

Unit Eleven ...............................................................................................82

Lesson 1 (82). Lesson 2 (84). Lesson 3 (86). Lesson 4 (87).

Unit Twelve ......................................................................................................89

Lesson 1 (89). Lesson 2 (92). Lesson 3 (94). Lesson 4 (95).

Unit Thirteen...........................................................................................97

Lesson 1 (97). Lesson 2 (100). Lesson 3 (103). Lesson 4 (105).

Unit Fourteen .......................................................................................107

Lesson 1 (107). Lesson 2 (109). Lesson 3 (111). Lesson 4 (113).

Unit Fifteen ...............................................................................................115

Lesson 1 (115). Lesson 2 (119). Lesson 3 (121). Lesson 4 (123).

Грамматический справочник

I. Глагол.....................................................................................................126

§1. Основные формы глагола...................................................................126

§2. Система грамматических времен английского языка .....................127

§3. Страдательный залог.........................................................................129

§4. Согласование времен.........................................................................131

§5. Модальные глаголы...........................................................................132

§6. Сослагательное наклонение..............................................................134

§7. Условные предложения......................................................................136

§8. Глагол to be .........................................................................................137

§9. Глагол to have ......................................................................................138

§10. Глагол to do ........................................................................................138

§11. Глагол should ......................................................................................139

§12. Глагол would........................................................................................139

II. Неличные формы глагола...............................................................140

§13. Инфинитив.........................................................................................140

§14. Причастие...........................................................................................142

§15. Герундий..............................................................................................144

Ш. Анализ предложения......................................................................146

§16. Простое предложение.........................................................................146

§17. Сложное предложение....................................................................149

§18. Усилительные конструкции..........................................................151

§19. Определительные сочетания...........................................................151

оканчивающихся на - s, - ed, - ing.................................................................155

Фонетический справочник................................................................................157

Словарь общенаучной лексики................................. .............................160



Grammar: Simple Sentence (§ 76).

Indefinite Tenses in the Active and Passive Voice (§2, 1).

Word-formation: suffixes -er, - or.

Individual Work: Lab Work "Indefinite Tenses".

Pre-text Exercises

I. Practise the reading of the following words:

inquiry , physicist ["fizIsIst], discharge , genius ["GI:nIqs], medium ["mI:dIqm], ether ["i:Tq], circuit ["sE:kIt], to impinge , diaphragm ["dqIqfrxm] , interference [ˏIntq"fiqrqns] , disturbance , to distinguish , audi ence ["O:dIqns], to supervise ["su:pqvaIz], circumference , convenience .

II. Make sure if you can read the words correctly and say what Russian words help you to guess their meaning:

gigantic, phenomenon, stress, reality, concept, theory, component, battery, apparatus, centre, radius, technique, natural, idea, definition, genius, history, diaphragm, experiment, polarization, radio, diffraction, atmosphere, interference, system, telegraph, communication, telephone, radiation, limit, mathematics.

III. Form nouns adding the suffixes -er, -or to the given verbs. Translate the nouns and verbs into Russian:

Example: to design – a designer (конструировать – конструктор)

to detect – a detector (детектировать – детектор)

to build, to operate, to contain, to receive, to read, to produce, to transmit, to invent, to discover, to drive, to translate, to visit, to convert, to regulate, to accumulate, to react, to use, to vibrate, to record.

IV. Give the initial words of the following derivatives:

Example: wireless – wire

transmission – to transmit

greatly, discharge, lecturer, atmospheric, successful, improvement, inventor, radiation, definition, equipment, purely, economic, powerful, development, operation, rapidly, information, atomic, magnetic, agreement, regulation, instruction, communication, technological, considerable, generation, separately, production, industrial, historic, logical, researcher.

V. State what parts of speech the words in heavy type belong to. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The study of this phenomenon is very important. The physicists study the structure of matter. 2. Energy can have many forms. What forms the basis of this compound? 3. We time our clock by radio. It is high time to go to the Institute. 4. The train leaves at six in the evening. Will you go to the Crimea on leave? 5. We must set the time for the beginning of the experiment. Give this worker a set of tools. 6. Air is a mixture of gases. Air the room, please. 7. The generator charges the batteries. The charges of an electron and of a proton are equal in strength. 8. The experiment may result in a new scientific concept. The result of the process was the release of the energy. 9. Point out a mistake in this translation. Speak to the point. 10. It is light in the room. Don"t light the lamps.

Образовательные ресурсы, применяемые в курсе английского языка для специальных целей, должны быть современными и соответствовать специализации студентов. Данное учебное пособие разработано на основе аутентичных видеоматериалов (лекций TED Talks и видеороликов, опубликованных на видеохостинге YouTube), охватывающих различные сферы использования современных информационных технологий. Уроки, представленные в учебнике, не только способствуют развитию навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения, совершенствованию грамматических и лексических навыков, но и направлены на расширение кругозора учащихся, поддержание мотивации на высоком уровне, укрепление связи обучения с жизнью за счет использования иностранного языка в профессиональном контексте.

Шаг 1. Выбирайте книги в каталоге и нажимаете кнопку «Купить»;

Шаг 2. Переходите в раздел «Корзина»;

Шаг 3. Укажите необходимое количество, заполните данные в блоках Получатель и Доставка;

Шаг 4. Нажимаете кнопку «Перейти к оплате».

На данный момент приобрести печатные книги, электронные доступы или книги в подарок библиотеке на сайте ЭБС возможно только по стопроцентной предварительной оплате. После оплаты Вам будет предоставлен доступ к полному тексту учебника в рамках Электронной библиотеки или мы начинаем готовить для Вас заказ в типографии.

Внимание! Просим не менять способ оплаты по заказам. Если Вы уже выбрали какой-либо способ оплаты и не удалось совершить платеж, необходимо переоформить заказ заново и оплатить его другим удобным способом.

Оплатить заказ можно одним из предложенных способов:

  1. Безналичный способ:
    • Банковская карта: необходимо заполнить все поля формы. Некоторые банки просят подтвердить оплату – для этого на Ваш номер телефона придет смс-код.
    • Онлайн-банкинг: банки, сотрудничающие с платежным сервисом, предложат свою форму для заполнения. Просим корректно ввести данные во все поля.
      Например, для " class="text-primary">Сбербанк Онлайн требуются номер мобильного телефона и электронная почта. Для " class="text-primary">Альфа-банка потребуются логин в сервисе Альфа-Клик и электронная почта.
    • Электронный кошелек: если у Вас есть Яндекс-кошелек или Qiwi Wallet, Вы можете оплатить заказ через них. Для этого выберите соответствующий способ оплаты и заполните предложенные поля, затем система перенаправит Вас на страницу для подтверждения выставленного счета.
  2. Государственное образовательное учреждение

    высшего профессионального образования

    «Омский государственный технический университет»

    Е. В. Тихонова

    Е.В. Янушкевич

    English for Radioengineering Students

    Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов ДО I-II курса

    радиотехнических специальностей

    УДК 811.111:621.37/.39(075)

    ББК 81.2Англ+32.84я73


    Н.П. Андреева, к.филол.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков ИВМ ОмГАУ, О.А.Кузина, к.филол.н., доцент кафедры русского и иностранных языков ОмГУПС.

    Тихонова Е. В., Янушкевич Е.В.

    English for Radioengineering Students: учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов ДО I-II курса радиотехнических специальностей /Е. В. Тихонова., Е.В. Янушкевич. – Омск: Изд-во ОмГТУ, 2010.– 80 с.

    Данное учебное пособие содержит оригинальные тексты по специальности на английском языке для студентов I-II курса радиотехнического факультета. Каждый раздел (Unit) содержит познавательный материал для обучения чтению, переводу, тексты для аннотирования, развития навыков разговорной речи по своей специальности, а также тестовые вопросы к текстам. В конце пособия даются дополнительные тексты для самостоятельной работы, краткий грамматический справочник.

    Печатается по решению редакционного-издательского совета Омского государственного технического университета.


    ББК 81.2Англ+32.84я73

    © ГОУ ВПО Омский государственный

    технический университет, 2010

    Greetings and Possible Replies

    The words to be remembered:

    How do you do? Здравствуйте.

    Hallo! (Hello!) (фам.)

    Hallo, everybody! (фам.)

    Здравствуйте! (при обращении ко всем присутствующим,)

    Доброе утро!

    Добрый день"

    Remember: ";How do you do?"; is not a question but a greeting the customary reply to which is ";How do you do?";.

    Remember: When used as greetings, ";Good morning"; and ";Good afternoon"; are pronounced with the falling tone. They are pronounced with the rising tone when used as words of parting.

    Good evening! Hi! (амер. фам.)

    Добрый вечер! Привет!

    Give possible replies to the following greetings:

    1. Good evening, Mr. Brown. 2. Good morning! 3. Hallo, even/body. 4. Good afternoon, miss Finch! 5. How do you do? 6. Hi!

    Expressing Surprise when Meeting People.

    1. Memorize the dialogues:

    a) - Look who"s here!

    Why, John! What a pleasant surprise!

    b) - Why, Nick! How come you"re here!

    Hallo, Pete! This is a small world!

    c) - If it isn"t Mr. White!

    Hi,Mr. Brown! Fancy meeting you here!

    II. Combine the sentences:

    Look who"s here!

    This is a small world!

    Fancy meeting you here! What"s brought you here?

    ";What brings you here?

    How come you"re here?

    1. - Nick, what a pleasant surprise!

    This is a small world!

    Why, Miss Finch!

    How come you"re here?

    5. - Look who"s here!

    IV. Say what customary phrases you use to express surprise when meeting someone.

    What we Say when Meeting People

    The words and expressions to be remembered:

    How are you getting on?

    How are you getting on with your (article, etc.)?

    How are things (with you)?

    How goes it? (разг.)

    How is everybody at home?

    How is your mother?

    How is the feeling?

    Anything wrong with... ?

    What"s the matter?

    It"s a long time since we met last?

    I"m glad you"re back.

    It"s good to see you.

    Nice meeting you. (разг.)

    I was missing you (badly).

    Как вы живёте? Как вы себя чувствуете?

    Как вы живёте? (Как у вас дела?)

    Как у вас дела с вашей книгой (статьёй и т.п.)?

    Как у вас дела?

    Как поживают ваши домашние?

    Как (себя чувствует) ваша мама?

    Как она себя чувствует?

    Что-нибудь случилось?

    Что случилось?

    Мы давно не виделись?

    Рад, что вы вернулись.

    Рад вас видеть.

    Я (очень) скучал без вас.

    I. Memorize the dialogues:

    a) - How are you?

    Fine, thank you.

    b) - How"s John.

    Very (pretty) much the same.

    c) - How are you getting on with your article?

    Very well, thank you.

    d) - How are things with Nick?

    I don"t know. I don"t see much of him.

    e) - How are you getting on?

    Not bad. And how are you?

    Why, what"s the matter?

    II. Answer the questions using a sentence from the right-hand column:

    How are you getting on?

    How is your mother?

    How is your grandmother feeling?

    How is everybody at home?

    Very well, thank you.

    Fine, thank you.

    Very much the same.

    III. Supply the missing remarks:

    Fine, thank you.

    Not too well, I"m afraid.

    Everybody"s fine.

    Getting better.

    It"s a long time since we met last.

    IV. Answer the questions:

    How is your father getting on?

    How is everybody at home?

    How are things with your brother?

    How is your aunt getting with her new job?


    Intr oducing People

    The expressions to be remembered:

    Let: me introduce, (офиц.)

    Allow me to introduce, (офиц.)

    May I present..."? (офиц.)

    I want you to meet my brother (my

    Meet my brother, (разг.)

    This is Mr. Brown.

    May I introduce you to Mr,

    Brown? (офиц.)

    Разрешите представить вам....

    Познакомьтесь с моим братом (моей мамой, и т.п.)

    Познакомьтесь с мистером Брауном.

    Remember: As distinct from other sentences beginning with ";may"; the introduction formula ";May introduce you to ..."; is pronounced with the falling tone.

    Glad to meet you.

    We" ve met before.


    Рад с вами познакомиться.

    Мы знакомы.

    I. Memorize the dialogues".

    a) - Mrs. Howard, let me introduce Mr. Ford.

    How do you do, Mr. Ford?

    How do you do, Mrs. Howard?

    b) - Will you introduce me to Mrs. Benson?

    Mrs. Benson, this is Miss Blake.

    How do you do Miss Blake?

    How do you do Mr. Benson?

    c) - Jack, meet my friend, John Willson.

    We" ve met before.

    d) - Miss Finch, this is my brother.

    Glad to meet you.

    II. Compose short dialogues using the table:

      Dramatize the dialogue

    Do you know each other? Mary,
    this is my friend Sveta.

    Sveta, I"d like you to meet my
    friend Mary.

    Nice to meet you. How are you?

    I"m fine, thanks.

      Вы не знакомы? Мэри, это моя
      подруга Света.

      Света, я хочу тебя познакомить с моей подругой Мэри.

      Приятно познакомиться. Как поживаешь?

    Спасибо, хорошо.

    The expressions to be remembered:

    See you tomorrow (on Monday).

    So long, (фам.)

    I must be going (running).

    I"ve got things to do. (фам:.)

    I"ve got a call to make.

    I"ve got an appointment.

    I won"t take up any more of your time.

    Come on. (фам.)

    До свидания.

    Ещё увидимся. Я не прощаюсь.

    До скорой встречи.

    До завтра (до понедельника).

    Пока. (До скорого).

    Я должен идти.

    У меня дела.

    Я должен позвонить (по телефону).

    У меня деловое свидание. Меня ждут.

    Не буду больше отнимать у вас времени. (Не буду больше задерживать вас).

    It"s been nice meeting (seeing)

    It"s been a pleasure.

    Thank you for coming.

    Thank you for a nice party.

    Keep in touch (фам.)

    I"ll be missing you.

    Take care of yourself.

    Hope we meet again, (фам.)

    Hope to see you soon, (фам.)

    When shall I see you again?

    Hope you"ll come to see us some

    My best regards to everybody at

    home (to your wife, your mother,

    Очень приятно было вас

    встретить (повидать).

    Мне было очень приятно.

    Спасибо, что пришли.

    Спасибо за чудесный вечер.

    Не пропадайте. (Давайте о себе

    Я буду скучать без вас.

    Будьте здоровы; не болейте.

    Берегите себя.

    Надеюсь, мы ещё"; увидимся.

    Надеюсь, мы скоро увидимся.

    Когда мы с вами увидимся.

    Надеюсь, вы как-нибудь к нам

    Передайте привет всем дома

    (жене, матери и т.п.).

    I. Memorize the dialogues:

    a) - I must be going. I"ve got things to do.

    See уou tomorrow.

    It"s been nice seeing you. Hope we meet again. Good-bye.

    Good-bye. Keep in touch.

    b) - I must be off. I"ve got a call to make.

    I won"t take up any more of you time.

    See you tomorrow. So long.

    c) - Good-bye, Mrs. Brown! Thank you for a nice party. It"s been a pleasure.

    The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for coming.

    Hope you"ll come to see us some time.

    Thank you. I will.

    II. Compose short dialogues making use of the table:

    I must be going.

    I"ve got things to do.

    I"ve got an appoint merit.

    I"ve got a call to make.

    See you tomorrow.

    Hope we meet again.

    Hope to see you soon.

    When shall I see you again?

    III. Supply the missing remarks:

      Thank you for a nice party.

    It"s been a pleasure.

    3. - Thank you for coming.

    Keep in touch.

    Good-bye. Keep well.

    6. - I won"t take up any more of your time.

    When shall I see you again?

    8. – I’ve got things to do.

    9. – Good bye. My best regards to everybody at home.

    Thank you. …

    IV. React to the following.

    I. Hello, Bill! 2. Why, if it isn"t John! 3. Hello, George! How are things with you? 4. How is everybody at home? 5. How"s Henry? 6. Good evening, everybody! 7. Meet my cousin. 8. Let me introduce you to Mrs. Blake. 9. It"s been nice seeing you. 10. I must be going.

    V. Translate into English using the customary phrases.

    1. Это вы мне доставили удовольствие. 2. Мир тесен. 3. Что привело вас сюда? 4.Я не знаю, как у него идут дела. Мы редко видимся. 5.У неё дела идут прекрасно. 6. Мы давно с ним не виделись. 7. Познакомьте меня с миссис Бенсон. 8. До скорой встречи! 9. Ну, пока. Я побежал, у меня много дел. 10. Ну, до свидания. Привет всем дома.

    VI. Say the following in English. Let your groupmates react to the

    1. Спасибо за чудесный вечер. 2. Да ведь это Джо! 3. Нам вас очень не доставало. 4. Как дела с вашей диссертацией? 5.Познакомьтесь, это мой брат. 6. Думаю, что они не знакомы. 7.Позвоните мне домой. 8. На какое время договоримся? 9. Заехать за вами?

      Express the following in English using the customary phrases.

      Выразите приятное удивление при встрече со своим знакомым.
      Расспросите его о его делах.

      Расставаясь с приятелем, выразите надежду, что скоро встретитесь
      снова. Передайте привет его родным.

      Представьте свою подругу гостям.

    I. a) Learn the ways of introducing people to each other:

    May I introduce Professor Popov? Разрешите представить вам

    профессора Попова.

      Let me introduce myself, my Разрешите представиться,
      name is Peter Belov. Петр Белов.

      Meet Ann. Познакомьтесь с Анной.

      Ann, this is Mr.Smith. Анна, это мистер Смит.

    b) Possible replies:

      How do you do? Здравствуйте!

      Hallo! Здравствуйте! Привет!

      Pleased to meet you. Рад познакомиться с вами.

      The following conversation is an example of introducing people to each other:

    Mike: This is Ann.

    Nick: Hallo, Ann!

    Ann: Hallo, Nick! Pleased to meet you.

    Mike: Look who"s come! Paul, nice to see you. Let me introduce you to some friends. This is Ann and Nick.

    Paul: Hallo! I am very pleased to meet you!

    Ann: Nice to meet you. Enjoying yourself?

    II. Introduce: a) yourself to your teacher; b) a close friend to your mother; c) your teacher to your friend.

    III. Memorize the following words and phrases:

    ■ subject - предмет, дисциплина ■ to investigate - исследовать, изучать ■ property - свойство, качество ■ to be crazy about smth - быть сильно увлеченным чем-либо (разг.) ■ device - устройство, приспособление; механизм, прибор ■ to obtain - получать ■ to process data - обрабатывать данные ■ to support one"s view - подтвердить точку зрения, мнение ■ scientific adviser (supervisor) - научный руководитель ■ research - научно-исследовательская работа ■ theoretical grounds - теоретические основы ■ to insist (on) smth - настаивать (на чем-л.) ■ to hold a conference - проводить конференцию ■ to be good at smth - быть способным к чему-л. ■ to do well in smth - хорошо справляться с чем-л. ■ grant, scholarship - стипендия ■ to take an examination (in) - сдавать экзамен (по) ■ to pass an examination, (in) - сдать экзамен (по) ■ to fail (in an examination) - проваливаться (на экзамене).

    IV. Act out the following dialogue in pairs, and make similar dialogues with your partner. Use the substitutions:

    mobile means of communications, optoelectronics, non-destructive testing, radioengineering, information security, designing of radioengineering devices, nanotechnology, industrial electronics

    Preparing for the Students" Scientific Conference

    Nick: Hello, Mike! Haven"t seen you for ages!

    Mike: You know, Nick, I"ve been very busy this week.

    Nick: Are you going to take part in the students" scientific conference?

    Mike: Right you are. It is expected to be held next month. My scientific adviser insists that I should take part in it. I"m going to make a report.

    Nick: What does it deal with?

    Mike: It is connected with some problems of communication.

    Nick: I"m sure you"re familiar with the theoretical grounds of the problem.

    Mike: Certainly. But I need some more information on this subject. By the way, what about going to the library?

    Nick: That"s a good idea. Come on. I"d like to look through some periodicals.

    I. Act out the following dialogue in pairs

    Mike is working at the laboratory

    Nick: Hello, Mike! What’s brought you here!

    Mike: Hello, Nick! Look! Who’s here? How are things with you?

    Nick: I’m fine, thanks. What about you?

    Mike: I"ve passed all the state exams and got my diploma at last. Now I can do my scientific work.

    Nick: Congratulations on your good luck! What"s the subject of your research?

    Mike: We investigate some problems on industrial electronics.

    Nick: Oh, I know you are crazy about electronics. What laboratory do you work at?

    Mike: It"s the laboratory of microelectronic devices. We"ve already obtained some interesting results. Now we are processing the data. They are very important for further research. But we must support our views by experiments. Excuse me, it"s time to begin our experiment. I must be off.

    Nick: O.K. See you later.

    II. Make questions about Mike’s research

    III. Work in pairs. Ask and answer your questions in II

    IV. Complete the dialogue with English phrases instead of their Russian equivalents:

    Nick: Hello, Mike! Are you taking your exams?

    Mike: Я уже сдал последний экзамен.

    Nick: What did you get for maths?

    Mike: Отлично. Ты тоже сдал экзамены, не так ли?

    Nick: No. I didn"t. I failed in physics.

    Mike: Какая жалость. (What a pity!) И что ты сейчас собираешься делать?

    Nick: As soon as the examinations are over, I"ll have to take my exam in physics for the second time.

    Mike: Я надеюсь, что на этот раз у тебя все будет хорошо (to do well). Желаю удачи! (Good luck!)

    V. Speak on the following situation: How do you think the world will change in the next 20 years? Think about technology changes in your field of investigation.